Thursday, October 24, 2019


Thanks to a conversation with a friend of mine, I have learned that there is such a thing as a Rage Room.  Some days this seems like a good idea.  We briefly discussed the possibilities of opening a business like that.  Briefly, in the end I don't think I would want to expose myself to so much anger, even if it really is just a for fun type business.  

From there I looked at a few other business ideas that were part of the same website.  Almost all of them were risk taking adventures.  And I mean that the product held a risk of injury to the target audience.  I expect that opening a business would be risky for the owners; I'd like to think that the business itself wasn't prone to hurting the customers though.  I think if I decided to start a business, I would want it to be relatively safe.  Unless it was something I was really passionate about, that might make a difference.  If only I had a business idea worth doing.

My happy for today is getting to spend time with friends.  Some in person, some on the phone.  And WOW, the talent in the East Kingdom is so awesome.  Things that I helped sort tonight of the largess for the Kingdom were lovely.  

Pretty sky.

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