Sunday, September 22, 2019

20,000 Days. Picture heavy

Walking, trying to get 20,000 steps in.  It's getting dark. My mind is racing with thoughts from today.  One of those is that the more I move, the better my brain works.

Home.  After sitting down, ready for bed, I look and my pedometer reads 20,906.  Should I get up and make it 21,000?  Going to write, it has been a busy day and I need to work in the morning. 

A few years ago, maybe more than a few, my daughter brought up that she was going to celebrate her 10,000th day.  Eventually that day came and she did something to celebrate.  At some point I looked up that information for me (Thankful for websites that make the math nonexistent) and found that today, September 22, 2019, would be my 20,000th day.  My calendar reminded me of this while I was trying to decide whether or not to get up or try to fall back to sleep. Maybe I could walk 20,000 steps today, I did last Sunday.  I got up, took a quick shower, and went for a walk.  One of the ladies I was staying with (we were in a hotel because of yesterday's event) went with me.  It was a beautiful morning.  I stayed out a little longer than her and had about 5000 steps before we went out with friends for breakfast.

There was the ride home which with stops probably took over four hours.  I tried to pace a little at each stop.  We got back to the house and one friend went home and I had to take the other to meet up with her husband.  We decided to meet up at Thrown Weapons practice where I got to practice throwing knives for a few minutes.  Then I left for a rail trail to get the rest of my steps in.  Two hours and 6.21 miles later I had reached my goal of walking over 20,000 steps today.  That is my accomplishment and a happy for today.  Other things include:

  • Ideas with friends about the fashion show coming up in January.  The sitting royals choose a theme for people to design their middle ages garb into.  So one year it was favorite football teams and people designed an outfit that was within period but also somehow resembled the football colors or uniform.  It is a fun and imaginative way to be creative.  This year it is mythology.
  • Viewing nature.
  • Hitting the target (sometimes) when I threw the knives.
  • Cinnamon roll French toast.
  • That during my walk, no animals startled me tonight after it got dark.  Okay, there was a rather load splash in a pond, but not enough to cause alarm.
  • I might get to go to Texas and see C, E and friends for Christmas!
  • All the wild thoughts that have raced through my head today-the garb, alternate job possibilities, a possible Patreon or YouTube idea and more!
  • Spots of orange and yellow are spreading through the trees.

Bird on a wire this morning.

This tree, wow. 

The MOON!! 

Evening and I am off on my quest for steps. 

And some pictures from yesterday's event.

Those Shoes!!

Former Baron and Baroness and the removal of their coronets.
(The queen had an eye infection and light was a problem.) 

The stuffed alter egos of K and myself. 

 The new Baron and Baroness receiving  their coronets.

Since K was sick and couldn't come, her stuffed alter ego attended court in her stead. 

And we had fun with that. 

So very much fun.

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