Monday, September 30, 2019

Hi Neighbor!

This afternoon I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish.  Instead, I took it easy.  I had a nap and puttered a bit after work.  C called from Texas and we had a nice little catch up talk.  Because of the climb on Saturday, my legs are still in a bit of ache-mostly when I am on stairs. 

I finished the book I have been listening to on Hoopla today, The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers, by Maxwell King.  Once upon a time I thought I could be like Fred Rogers.  For so many reasons that will not be.  He was a very special person who was raised in a different time and space than I was.  He had a discipline that I lack.  I'll continue to do what I can to be kind, thoughtful and respect everyone.  I'll also wear sneakers whenever I can.  Sometimes, I may even ask myself, what would Mr. Rogers do?   Looking for the helpers is a wonderful thing, I hope that I am sometimes one of the helpers.

My happy things for today:

  • There is a new paraprofessional that joined our team today at work.
  • Talks with my kids.
  • Sneakers.
  • Tissues.
  • Mr. Rogers.
  • Warm clothes.
  • SCA comic strip thing.

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