Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Evening Out

This evening I am going out for a little while so I am writing some earlier in the afternoon.  Ideally this should mean that I won't fall asleep, will think of things and will write well.  What is happening though is that I am sitting here and drawing a complete blank.  As I rewind my day I am remembering that I had some time during work today and I wrote.  I just did a verbal vomit onto the page of things going through my mind.  It was actually a rather nice break to the day.  And I was still working, just had to be in the room with some students and didn't have another task.  That is my first happy thing for today.

After work I was supposed to do exchequer things but that turned into us going out tonight doing totally not SCA stuff.  That is good though too.  I want to say that I don't tend to get asked places like that often, but it probably happens more than I am consciously aware of.   Getting asked is my second happy thing today.  Later I will write about it.

My third happy thing is that I have been thinking about my Bucket List lately and I am making plans to update it and change it up a bit.  Every once in a while I realize that there is something that I have always wanted to do, and sometimes I do this thing, usually I just talk about it though.  Either way, I want to be keeping better track of these things and maybe categorize them better and definitely LOOK at them more often.  Not looking at them means they aren't close enough in my mind to do them when I actually have the time.

And the number four happy for today is indeed the night out.  We went to a local establishment for Trivia Night.  I did better than I expected, but not as good as I would have liked.  Our team came in third place and I now know more about Hunter S Thompson than I want to.  

Random pictures from my walk to Trivia Night.

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