Saturday, September 14, 2019

Falling Leaves-Picture Heavy

This morning some very special friends and I participated in an Out of the Darkness Walk.  It made for a very emotional morning for me.  Before the walk one of the presenters told a version of this story.  It is an interesting story/way to look at things.  Following the idea presented in that story...before the walk I was the egg, participating in the walk we were all the coffee. 

Any how, after that some of us went on to an event.  It was a hard transition to make.  Unexpected news from someone helped to change my mood.  Apparently there is a piece of Stonemarche History out there that has been found and may be able to be returned soon.  It is a hush hush project in case it goes awry, but I am hopeful and excited for this to come into the open.

It was a long and exhausting day and words are hard right now.  Happy things for today are:

  • The Walk--it was emotionally challenging but worth it.
  • The hush hush project I can't share.
  • Getting to watch i Sebastiani perform.
  • The debut performance of "Prince Luis".
  • Awards.
  • Seeing a dear friend receive the Tiger of the East Award.
  • Dinner out after with Gideon and friends.
  • Hugs.
From the Out of the Darkness Walk

Each pinwheel represents a death by suicide in 2017 in NH.

Plastic bottle 'sword' dual. 

From the Event

The Moon... because why not? 

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