Thursday, September 12, 2019

Chasing the Moon

Chasing the Moon is something that I seem to enjoy, often.  Someday maybe I will have a camera that will take the awesome pictures that I want to take.  I like to think the poor quality isn't ALL the photographer...  Z and I took a short walk tonight to see the moon.  I say short, but it was just under a mile, some people think a mile is a long way.  It can be, when there is a change in altitude involved or if I was running.  The moon is full-ish and brought to the imagination Dracula and werewolf movies  as it shined above the rooftops.

It has been five years since I hiked up Mount Washington with C.  On the 12th of September, 2014 we got as far as the Lake of the Clouds AMC Hut where we spent the night.  We managed to pick a good night.  At dinner, the sun set between two layers of clouds and was glorious.  After the sun set the skies were clear overhead and we were able to experience the Northern Lights.  The next day after a 'only' a mile long hike we reached the summit.  Clouds were coming in, some lenticular, some carrying rain.  We made it down before any rain.  It was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done physically, maybe aside from childbirth, although I am not sure they can be compared.  And that mile from the hut to the summit was long and painful.  It took every ounce of energy, willpower, prayers and conversations with family members who were no longer alive to get myself up there.  I couldn't have done it without C who was my strength and encouraged me along the way.

My happy things for today are:

  • Memories of Mount Washington.
  • Memories of my father.  His twin brother turned 86 years old today.  
  • Walking to 'chase the moon.'
  • Remembering to pay my mortgage before it became REALLY late.
  • Making dinner with K.  It was a new recipe and it probably came out the way it was supposed to, but I will always prefer my bacon very crispy, even with kale.
  • Gideon hugs.
  • Balancing while walking on the edge of a sidewalk like a kid would do.
  • I had lunch with different people at work today and it was good.
  • A quick call from my friend in Texas.
  • Texts with my friend that I stay with often, but haven't seen in while.
  • Some nights, especially when I am tired and have to get up early I consider not writing this or only doing it once a week.  Then I come up with a list like this of things I am happy about and I remember why I write it every day.  Going through the day and searching for something happy can be really hard some days.  It really does help my mood though.  Some days are easier to write about than others; this was a good day.

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