Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mistake Was Made

For almost a week I have been fighting a cold.  Last night I was up in the middle of the night with a runny nose.  This morning I was aching from yesterday's hike.  In an attempt to loosen up my legs, K, Gideon and I went for a walk.  Gideon practiced using his scooter.   For the most part my legs felt better.  Every time I sit for a while the legs need to be worked out again and stairs are a problem though.  These are reasons I should do this hiking thing more, right?

In the afternoon we visited a friend briefly for some goose.  Normally he has a large gathering on Michaelmas but this year he wasn't up to it and just asked a few folks to stop by.  After that, we went to the Deerfield Fair.  I try to go every year, this year I should have missed.  We saw family members and some friends and saw the few things that we wanted to see.  That was good, except that I kept feeling worse as the day went by.  So that is the mistake that was made.  Hopefully I didn't contaminate anyone.  Had I been feeling well I would have gone to weaving circle, instead I over did it at the fair.  It was nice to see the people I did, but I am missing those I couldn't see.

Happy things are the walk, we saw an eagle, seeing some family and friends, and pumpkin fudge.

It was a beautiful day to be outside.

Fun with shadows. 

More fun with shadows. 

I have no idea what this cocoon (?) is. 

The bird is a bald eagle. 

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