Saturday, September 7, 2019


Sometime during the week one of the teachers mentioned to the class that he and his son are trying to climb the 4000 footers in NH.  This reminded me that I was hoping to climb at least one of them myself over the summer.  I haven't, yet.  I may not.  Or I may disappear on Sunday into the mountains.  Only time will tell.  I have just spent approximately the last 5 hours and 16 minutes playing Minecraft.  My Texas friend, ex-husband and myself played together and joined forces killing monsters and building things.  Tomorrow (which is actually later today at this point) a group of us are hoping to play together again.  I hope I am awake for it. 

Happy things for today include a nice walk I took to craft night, seeing friends and making some plans for awards for the event in October, over 13,000 steps today and laughing hysterically over silly antics playing Minecraft.

Morning Sky

Tiny bit of color. 

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