Thursday, February 28, 2019

Movie Day

This week I have gotten quite a bit of sleep.  I must have needed it.  For the next few days I will be trying to get back to the routine of getting up earlier.  This morning I didn't really wake up until 10 AM.  My normal wake up time during the work week is 5 AM.  That five hours of extra sleep is almost how many hours I generally get in a night.

My friend and I watched three movies today- Thor, Captain America and the first Avengers movie.   We still have quite a few to see if we are going to see them all before the next movie comes out in theaters.  The movies are all so action packed and I love the bits of humor and one-liners that help to break the tension that all that action brings.  These movies are my happy things for today.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Fine Arts (picture heavy)

One of the things I miss from when I used to home-school my kids is the ability to go to museums, parks, movies and other extra curricular type activities.  When one schools at home, these aren't quite 'extra' but can be built into the curriculum.  My favorite are the science museums, but we decided to skip that (anticipating crowds) and just went to the Museum of Fine Arts today.  I took 220 pictures.  Here are a couple highlights, and my happy things for today.  I tried to include a picture of the descriptions where I could.

A Game!! 

There are hair rings in the picture below.  Other jewelry and such too.
The hair rings are awesome though.  There are two pair hanging either side of all the roundels. 

K rented an audio tour for Gideon.
He is busy listening and observing some artifacts. 

More Hair Rings!! 

Weaving.  Such colors! 

Mirrors to see the rotunda ceiling by.

This one is so cool.
It is a bunch of sticks, but they form a map.
History and ingenuity!

I just thought this little dragon was cool.

Art Appreciation.

This is a Wax Jack.
That is a coil of wax used for sealing letters and such.
I had no idea that wax came in a coil. 

That is just a small sampling of the pictures I took.  We had a great and tiring day.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


On this visit to my friend's house Heather, the cat, has decided to follow me around.  She has occasionally found me for attention when I visit but tonight she followed me to different rooms and then to bed.  I'm glad that I have been remembering to take my allergy medicine.  All the cat love is a happy for today.

Tonight was a dress rehearsal of the current performance with i Sebastiani, a commedia dell'arte troupe that I performed with last summer.  This time I am more or less an understudy and hopefully won't be needed.  The rehearsal went really well tonight.  There were a few minor things where people didn't get to their part fast enough but all in all it was a fun show and, even though I have been to many of the rehearsals, they still brought fresh material and ideas to the stage.  Getting to see them perform is another happy for today.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Short-Just Happy things

It is vacation, but not much happening today, just chores.  Gideon has been away with his other grandmother and so today was his first exposure to having cable TV here.  He likes Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy.  My happy things fro today are big hugs from Gideon and talks with my friend from Texas. 

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Lazy Sunday

There was no milk in the house this morning so we went out for breakfast.  During breakfast the plan was to talk about the week ahead, but we didn't make it past today.   After breakfast we drove by a couple houses that are for sale that we are interested in.  We aren't ready to buy, but it can be fun to look at what is out there.  When we got home I realized the last few days, or maybe just yesterday, had taken its toll and I took a nap.  K had been cleaning in the living room and managed to find a cable box.  Last summer when we got new phones we got cable too.  I don't remember knowing this.  It was a rather traumatic summer though and cable was not something that would have been important enough for me to remember.  The cable stuff had been in a bag under the table behind sewing supplies.  Any how, we watched the Grammy Awards.  I guess I no longer have an excuse to not watch the news.

Some things I am happy for today:

  • Sleep
  • Dame Helen Mirren's dress.
  • Joking around with Z

Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Longish Drive

K and I went to an event about 3 hours to the south today.  My body doesn't like sitting for such long stretches anymore.   The event was spread over 3 or 4 floors of an old Masonic building with some gorgeous architecture.  It is after midnight and we are still on the way home.   We gave someone else a ride so the conversation and storytelling on the drive has been great.  Exhaustion is real and so on to the happy things for today:

  • Watching the bardic performances, especially that of our own bard competing at the Kingdom level.
  • Getting yet more gifts from other baronages in the kingdom.
  • Giving gifts to the new Baronesses who were invested today.
  • Giving out my first token to our bard for her performance.
  • Talking about forester stuff.
  • Being part of this organization.

Friday, February 22, 2019


Time for February vacation.   These forced vacations are necessary for my sanity but bad for the bank account.   Sometimes I think of things I would change in the education system.   Then I realize why it isn't done that way and my imaginary education bubble pops.

Tonight K and I went to the local craft night. One of the things that is the responsibility of the Baronages is to present people with awards.  I was pulled aside and given some recommendations.  This is great.  We are getting a list together of people who deserve awards.  It is so helpful when one person recommends another.  Quite often it is the friends who know what awards another has who are the best at doing the recommending.  I was hoping to put together something at craft night that would help the coronet to stay on my head.  This didn't happen, but more ideas have been tossed around.  Someone did come and present me with a bag full of tokens to give to people.  They are awesome and are my happy for today.

Bag of tokens!!

Thursday, February 21, 2019


My friend and I watched Iron Man 2 this evening.  I am very surprised at the amount of these Marvel movies that I haven't seen.  Then I think about what I was doing when they were in the theaters.  Not going out much and working a bunch.  There are some gaps in my entertainment knowledge when movies and TV just haven't been important in my life.  I'm okay with that.  A student asked me if I had heard of some band the other day and I hadn't.  They were surprised because it was something that their parents listen to.  Curiosity and the internet and I am certain I have heard some of the music before, but they are not part of my 90's.  My 90's were filled with diapers and Disney music. 

My mind is apparently all over the place so I will move ahead to my happy things for today:

  • Iron Man 2
  • Laughter
  • Music--tonight that would be old songs from before I was born like soft jazz and crooners (Rambling Rose).  🌹
  • Event anticipation
  • Purring cat

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Short Rant

Monday I let my phone update.  Almost every time there is an update I am disappointed.  If someone could explain to me why updates that are supposedly to keep a phone secure or fix problems also has to change all the icons to look a little different or change the color and why the direction that I swipe apps to close them matters to this.  This time my Fitbit won't sync.  Not that I have gone on any walks but things that worked before the update should continue to work after.  I will learn to use the different features and recognize the changed icons, but is it truly important to change them?  <End rant>

Now for some happy things for today... My friend and I are watching Marvel movies when we can.  Tonight was the Incredible Hulk.  I hadn't seen it before and enjoyed it.  For some reason when the Hulk makes his move of "Hulk, Smash" all I could see was a video game that I saw Gideon play once.  It made me chuckle because the big movie version momentarily turned cartoon and Lego in my head. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Full Moon

The moon was rising on my way to rehearsal tonight.  This bright orb reminding me how people tend to be somehow affected by it.  Getting a little wild or harder to contain during a full moon may seem like folklore to some, but not to people who work in hospitals, nursing homes or schools.  Another thing that tends to bring on increased anxiety or excitement with students is the few days to a week before a break.  This week, there is both, full moon tonight and break next week.  Three more days and then vacation!

It has been a few weeks since I have made it to rehearsal.  It is a good thing I don't have an assigned part this time since I have been sick, busy or it has been snowing a bunch.  Tonight I had the opportunity to try two different parts.  Both were female.  One was part of the set of main love interests and the other, one who inadvertently tries to break them up.  It was so much fun and is my happy for today.

Photo of Full Moon

Photo courtesy of Pexels.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Just Some Happy Things

Although I made it to work today I am still not feeling great.  Better than yesterday though and that is a happy thing for today.

Gideon is feeling better too, this is another happy.  K gave his hair a trim today and she had hers cut on Friday. 

It was a difficult work day and when I got home hugs were given and this is another happy for today.  They even made pasta and garlic bread for dinner, some of my favorite comfort foods.  Family is a wonderful thing.  💝

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Short Post

This was not the day I had planned.  Instead of going to weaving circle and being with friends I went back to bed with a running nose and sinus headache.  Gideon ended up sick this afternoon, and not with a cold.  The highlight of my day (and my happy) was hearing from my friend in Texas.  Best wishes to you, dear reader, for a happy and healthy day.

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Most of the afternoon and evening has been spent deep in organizing many files of SCA treasurer stuff for my region.  Pretty boring to tell about.  While I have been trying to concentrate on this Z and a friend have been playing a PS4 game, Horizon Zero Dawn.  Games now-a-days have an option to take screen shots.  This one is no exception and has some features that let the user change the facial expressions and such.  My happy for today is watching the silliness of poses and postures. 

Here the character is playing peekaboo with the camera.

Friday, February 15, 2019


It feels like the end if a very long week.  I did very little, other than work, and yet I am still exhausted.  Since I keep falling asleep as I type, I'm going to stick to just a few happy things for today. 

In science class the students dissected squid.  The part of this that makes me happy is that as a whole, the class seemed to do alright with the activity.  There were a few that were grossed out but they all did their best to stick to the task at hand. 

There was a small bag of gummy candy and a balloon waiting for me for Valentine's Day when I got home today.  The balloon is a bright pink llama.  How knew that balloons come as a llama?  Getting things for Valentine's Day from my family is also a happy thing for today.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Heart Day

There is a Captain Marvel movie coming out in March.  Truth be told, I have fallen behind in watching the movies.  There are so very many of them and life sometimes got in the way.  I've been okay with that.  As my friend and I were talking this afternoon the movie came up as well as how few I have seen.  So tonight we watched Iron Man.  It has been a super long time since I have seen the movie which means it was almost like watching it new but knowing who lived in the end.  The next few weeks we will hopefully get to watch most, if not all, of the movies leading up to this one.

What am I happy about today?  Well, I heard from someone I haven't heard from in a while, that was nice and kind of helped start my day off with a smile.  I had a work evaluation today and it was better than I expected.  For many reasons this has not been the best year for me and I felt it was showing in my job performance.  If it is, I seem to be the one who noticed.  Perhaps that means I need to work harder. 😜 Tomorrow we dissect squid, I think that qualifies as harder.  🦑 


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Galentine's Day

There was a storm last night.  It started as snow and turned to freezing rain and ice.  It was a bear to try to shovel this morning so I only did the minimum needed to get to work.  Lifting shovelful after shovelful of half snow half water and ice is heavy.  I am very thankful that my friend has someone to clean up her driveway after a storm.  It would have taken me much of the day if I had to do it myself.  Shovel a little, break, shovel some more, break, until it was completed.  The little bit I did do had me thinking though, is there such a thing as a slotted shovel?  It would have very limited usefulness.  It wouldn't work with a light fluffy snow at all.  I'm not sure it would work for today's mess, but to allow for some water to escape before trying to hoist the wet stuff would be nice, if it worked.

Yesterday I was able to share Gideon's story.  We have a friend who did a lovely sketch for him of some of the characters that I wish I had asked for permission to post here.  I am blessed to have some very talented people in my life and very thankful for them all.

Although I am sure I have heard of Galentine's Day before, it hadn't affixed itself into my memory until tonight.  Two very good friends and I went out for dinner.  We talked SCA, crafts, households, charities and so much more.  There are a great many events that we are hoping to attend in the next few months.  If I had all the time and money there is an event somewhere almost every weekend of the year.  When would I sleep?  🛌 My happy for today is my gal friends.  All of them.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Story by Gideon

My seven year old grandson, Gideon, has written some fan fiction and has asked me to share it.  He started writing this in the fall I believe, when he was six.  We are super proud of the story he has written so far.  I have added the story, Witch's Hour, to the end of the blog. 

The Blog itself will be short, to accommodate the story.  I have a couple of happy things to share for today.  The first is that I am off visiting a friend for a few days.  It had been a pretty regular thing before Birka and then I had no voice and tried to keep whatever was ailing me away.  My other happy for the day is Gideon's story.  I'm very impressed with what he has done. 

Witch’s Hour, book one, by Gideon
Chapter One: The Close Call
Butterfly was so scared she thought she was gonna bang her head on the wall of the train station but she did it anyway, she got on the train and she saw her older sister sitting with the other Ravenclaws and she sat down with her sister and she decided to meet the Ravenclaws she was so exited and so nervous and she could hear a Slytherin trying to put a spell on a Gryffindor but she had a list of beginner’s spells and she did a deflector spell.
The Gryffindor said, “Wow, thanks you saved my life!” “Bien hecho” (that is spanish for nice doing), said Butterfly’s sister Lavender. “I can’t wait til I know what my house is” said Butterfly and just like that they were there.
“Well you won’t have to wait long” said Lavender as they got off the train. “I know.” said Butterfly.
When they arrived, Butterfly was the first one to have the Sorting Hat on. “Rrr-no Ravenclaw isn’t right, hmmm... Hufflepuff!” said the Sorting Hat. She ran down to her new housemates. “I’m really liking this place” said Butterfly and then she started to eat her snack from home. She and the rest of the Hufflepuffs went to the common room. Then she heard the exact same Slytherin trying to get her from outside but she stopped him!
“Expeliarmus!” said Butterfly.
In the Ravenclaw common room-
Lavender and Reyz were talking about their younger siblings’ first day at Hogwarts when all of a sudden, they heard a noise and as they looked out the window they noticed somebody using a red crystal with writing on it that said, “If seen used by a student please tell a teacher (crystal is too powerful to be used by a student)”
Lavender ran to professor McGonagall’s office to tell her. McGonagall went to the secret vault to make sure she wasn’t lying and saw it was empty. She reported back and searched the school.
I should probably mention that it was Hestor, a pesky first year Slytherin, that was the one that tried to put a spell on a Gryffindor.
In Potions Class- “Hi first years! Today we are going to learn how to make Mizer Cider” said Professor Zida, the potion class teacher.
A Hufflepuff named Lemon, raised her hand.
“Lemon?” said Professor Zida, “What does it do?” asked Lemon. “It makes you fireproof“ said Professor Zida. “Nice” commented Lemon. ”Anyhow, let’s make it.”
<igmmcmi​> a creepy voice whispered. “eeeeee!!!!” said everyone, except Hessssstor.
“Anyway to make mizer cider you need: 1 cup black unicorn hair, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 half cup corroding mint,
and 1 black salamander dragon scale. And then you mix it all together with water and apple cider and here you have it! Your very own Mizer Cider.”
In the Hufflepuff common room--
Lemon and Butterfly were talking about Hestor. Lemon thought he was an animagus which would explain McGonagall’s love for such a bad student.
“I think your right Lemon.” said Butterfly.
In McGonagall’s office--
“Now Hestor, you’re my friend, explain yourself!” said McGonagall “I..I..I wanted to get back at Butterfly for deflecting my spell on the train against my older sister, Stephanie. I know Lavender and Reyz reported that, but I wanted to get Butterfly AND her sister because families are always alike right?!” exclaimed Hestor. “Well kind of, but why did you want to get Stephanie, your older sister?” “Because she makes fun of me just because she thinks she is perfect and I’m so bad” said Hestor.
“That is bad behavior, but you don’t need to try to put a spell on her; just tell a teacher.” said McGonagall.
“OK” acknowledged Hestor. “Oh, and I will tell her it is bad behavior too.” said McGonagall.
In the owlery-
“To my parents.” said Butterfly as she was handing a owl a note (or technically “clawing” cause birds have claws instead of hands) The owl flew away with the note.
The next day in the Grand Hall-
The owl flew back and delivered Butterfly’s note. She read the letter as it unraveled.
It said, ‘Hola nos sentimos bien lamento que nos extrañes’ Every single student and teacher, except Lavender, stood up and looked at her. “What? I speak Spanish.” said Butterfly, “In English it reads: ‘Hi, I am sorry that you miss us’.”
They went back to what they were doing. (Author’s note: I do not speak that much Spanish- I just used a translator on Google. Just search “english to spanish” on Google)
“Hey tengo una gran idea para investigar Hestor, estoy casi seguro de que él es un animago que, o no, sé que McGonagall lo ama, por lo que podemos hablar de él con McGonagall” Butterfly whispered into Lavender’s ear. (in English it was: hey Ihave a great idea to investigate Hestor, I’m almost certain that he is a animagus. That or not I know that McGonagall loves him so we can talk about him with McGonagall)
Then they heard a sound. It was an owl flying by to Lemon.
Lemon opened the note and read “Salut ma jolie petite fille chérie comment vas-tu?” Everybody stood up and looked at her.
“What? I speak French” she said. “In english it reads: Hi my cute little darling girl how have you been?”
They went back to what they were doing (Author’s note: I do not speak much french I just used a translator on Google just search “english to french” on Google)
Chapter 2: The Salamander
It was Quidditch time! It was Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin. “The seekers are Hestor and Butterfly.” announced McGonagall.
It was intense! It was action packed! Near the end, the snitch was out of the playground. They got it at the same time but Hufflepuff had more points so they won.
In the Hufflepuff common room--
“Did you know that I am an animagus?” said Lemon. “No!” said Butterfly “I am an animagus for a salamander” said Lemon.
“A salamander?!” said Butterfly. “Yep” acknowledged Lemon.
At that moment she turned into a salamander and then she turned back.
“Wanna see a trick?” asked Lemon. “Sure” said Butterfly.
At that moment Lemon turned into a salamander and crawled on the walls of the common room and turned back and at that moment they all saw Hestor.
“I’m also an animagus” he said.
That moment he turned into a snake and almost slithered into the common room but before he could, Butterfly said “Expecto Patronum!”
Hestor laughed. “Is that a shrimp??“ he said, “How is a shrimp going t--”
Before he could finish his sentence, he got quickly overwhelmed by a swarm of shrimp. “Don’t come in our common room.” said Butterfly
Chapter 3:Lunar and Riot |[]| | | |
(On the previous page is the best aski art of Butterfly’s wand that I could do, the crystal is actually red.)
In the Grand Hall for lunch--
An owl flies in, it delivers a note to a boy and a girl. They read as they discover it is a howler.
It exclaims: “Happy Birthday little twins! Happy birthday second years! Happy Birthday, Lunar and Riot, Happy Birthday! I would like everyone to raise their glass for the birthday of Lunar and Riot, there are a bunch of cupcakes in the envelope by the way.”
“Oh, that’s why she asked us how many students there are this year.” said Lunar. “Uh-huh!” Riot agreed. People started to sing happy birthday to them after they raised their glasses.
Chapter 4: The Mysterious Little Girl
Lunar whipped Lavender and Butterfly into meeting at the girls’ bathroom; the one with Moaning Myrtle.
They opened a few stall doors and they stumbled upon an unconscious body of a girl. It wasn’t Moaning Myrtle.
“Rivios” said Butterfly (rivios (ri-ve-ose) is the revival spell in this era and can only be performed by the special type of wand that Butterfly has, the wand only chooses super kind people hence the special spell is the reviving spell)
The crystal glowed as rays from each corner of the crystal formed a pyramid with their lines at the tip of the pyramid. There was a ray of power that was very strong and it went straight into the body (the motion for the spell is not the usual swish & flick rather you begin to stab the dead body, but when it is very close you stop the motion if you are not done saying the spell by then it won’t work)
The girl woke up. “How dare you-wait I-I’m healed! Wait! You are not the person that hurt me” said the mysterious girl.
“I’m not. I’m the person that healed you from death.” said Butterfly. “Healed? I’m Lilac.” said Lilac. “What house are you in?” asked Lunar. “Slytherin.” said Lilac. “How old are you?” asked Lavender.
“11.” said Lilac.
“Year of birth?” said Lavender. “2007.” said Lilac. “You are actually 12, because it is 2019.” said Lavender. “Oh I guess I have been dead for a whole summer.” said Lilac.


Monday, February 11, 2019

Short and Sleep

Last night I didn't sleep well.  Today, somehow, I was very much awake for most of the day.  I am blaming this all on the medication I recently started and, after talking with my doctor's office, I am now weaning myself off this medication.  There were other side effects that I will not get into here.  Now I am finally exhausted and hope to sleep well tonight. 

It was Dungeons and Dragons Club at school today.  There were a bunch of kids out so we mixed groups a little and I got an extra player for the day.  They seemed to have a good time and that is what matters.  It seems the next thing I need to research about the game is how to go about getting players pets, or animal companions or something like that.  My happy things for today are making up things for D&D, settling on what to do about the medications and my pillow.  😄😴

Sunday, February 10, 2019


It has been a nice lazy Sunday for me.  We all went out for breakfast this morning.  K got a Facebook alert, or something, that a local restaurant, that Gideon loves, was going out of business, today.  Because of this news the decision was made to all come home instead of spending the night with a friend.  We found out late enough last night that Gideon was pretty much inconsolable when he heard the news.  He did much better this morning at the restaurant.  We were the first in the door.  The restaurant specialized in crepes.  I got my own but Gideon, K & Z got some different flavors to share.  They each ate a little from the plate then rotated around the table.  At one point Gideon had two plates in front of him taking a bite from one then the other.  It didn't take long for him to proclaim he was full.

Breakfast and watching Gideon take his last look around the restaurant are my happy things for today.  I am grateful that I was able to be part of this.  So many things mean more than we realize to kids.  K let him keep the receipt for nostalgia.

Saturday, February 9, 2019


There was an Embroidery Schola today about an hour and fifteen minutes south of home.  K & I went but I don't think either of us attended a class.  We spent the day visiting with people.  When we first came in the new Kingdom Exchequer wanted about 5 minutes of my time.  That took about an hour and a half.  I feel it was a pretty productive time.  They have a bunch of work ahead learning this new role.  I'd like to think I helped and didn't create more work. 

The original plan of me leaving early and K and Gideon spending the night didn't happen.  Actually, I stayed about five hours longer than I thought I would.  There were new people to meet and old friends to see.  We hadn't expected it, but the King and Queen came to the event.  The Queen was a very active embroiderer before her husband won Crown and I am sure she will be again when she has more time.  She had some ideas for how we could better fit my coronet to my head.  K worked on getting the strip of felt we made last night sewn onto some linen and fitted in the coronet.  It worked really well at first.  Eventually the band that was supposed to be holding it up started to fall and rest on my ears and glasses.  More work will need to be done to keep the coronet from falling.

This event centers around embroidery and there is a guild that will evaluate people's work with a ranking system.  Watching the items be paneled for the rankings with all the beautiful projects that people are working on is my happy for today.  All the comments were either positive or constructive as to how to the creator could fix a problem or use different materials to improve upon it.  It was inspiring to watch.                                       



Friday, February 8, 2019


On my way home from work I thought about the weekend and that K & I will be going to our first SCA event as Landed Baronages.  This reminded me that my coronet doesn't fit.  Which resulted in a long line of trying it on with different hats.  It became rather silly.

First was the bycocket.  I have this one which was purchased and another that K made for me.  Somehow I only got a picture with this one.

Then there is this felted hat that is another that K made me.  It isn't quite middle ages but there are adjustments she thought she could do to make it work.

An old SCA hat of Gideon's was found and we determined it is too small for me.  This is a little surprising--only because my head is already so small.  Gideon's head is larger than mine, he is seven.

A small head is my problem though.  If I remove my glasses I get a necklace, even with the lovely green and white spiral cushion borrowed from the previous Baroness.

It can work if I balance just right...

Then I got a little silly and tried a bunch of other hats on with the coronet. 

Finally a game plan emerged and I crocheted a really long strip of wool that we felted.  In the morning it will hopefully get made into a similar type cushion as the one I am borrowing but will actually fit my small head.  Part of me really wants a large variety of hats and things to support the coronet, it just seems fitting somehow.

This all reminded me of last Pennsic where I also wore many hats in memory of a friend we had just lost.  He had worn different hats, both literal and figurative ones.  I think he would have laughed at my choices of hats and silliness too.

Being silly is my happy for today.  I am grateful for the hat memories and the laughs.

👒 ☮ 🎩