Saturday, February 9, 2019


There was an Embroidery Schola today about an hour and fifteen minutes south of home.  K & I went but I don't think either of us attended a class.  We spent the day visiting with people.  When we first came in the new Kingdom Exchequer wanted about 5 minutes of my time.  That took about an hour and a half.  I feel it was a pretty productive time.  They have a bunch of work ahead learning this new role.  I'd like to think I helped and didn't create more work. 

The original plan of me leaving early and K and Gideon spending the night didn't happen.  Actually, I stayed about five hours longer than I thought I would.  There were new people to meet and old friends to see.  We hadn't expected it, but the King and Queen came to the event.  The Queen was a very active embroiderer before her husband won Crown and I am sure she will be again when she has more time.  She had some ideas for how we could better fit my coronet to my head.  K worked on getting the strip of felt we made last night sewn onto some linen and fitted in the coronet.  It worked really well at first.  Eventually the band that was supposed to be holding it up started to fall and rest on my ears and glasses.  More work will need to be done to keep the coronet from falling.

This event centers around embroidery and there is a guild that will evaluate people's work with a ranking system.  Watching the items be paneled for the rankings with all the beautiful projects that people are working on is my happy for today.  All the comments were either positive or constructive as to how to the creator could fix a problem or use different materials to improve upon it.  It was inspiring to watch.                                       



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