Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Story by Gideon

My seven year old grandson, Gideon, has written some fan fiction and has asked me to share it.  He started writing this in the fall I believe, when he was six.  We are super proud of the story he has written so far.  I have added the story, Witch's Hour, to the end of the blog. 

The Blog itself will be short, to accommodate the story.  I have a couple of happy things to share for today.  The first is that I am off visiting a friend for a few days.  It had been a pretty regular thing before Birka and then I had no voice and tried to keep whatever was ailing me away.  My other happy for the day is Gideon's story.  I'm very impressed with what he has done. 

Witch’s Hour, book one, by Gideon
Chapter One: The Close Call
Butterfly was so scared she thought she was gonna bang her head on the wall of the train station but she did it anyway, she got on the train and she saw her older sister sitting with the other Ravenclaws and she sat down with her sister and she decided to meet the Ravenclaws she was so exited and so nervous and she could hear a Slytherin trying to put a spell on a Gryffindor but she had a list of beginner’s spells and she did a deflector spell.
The Gryffindor said, “Wow, thanks you saved my life!” “Bien hecho” (that is spanish for nice doing), said Butterfly’s sister Lavender. “I can’t wait til I know what my house is” said Butterfly and just like that they were there.
“Well you won’t have to wait long” said Lavender as they got off the train. “I know.” said Butterfly.
When they arrived, Butterfly was the first one to have the Sorting Hat on. “Rrr-no Ravenclaw isn’t right, hmmm... Hufflepuff!” said the Sorting Hat. She ran down to her new housemates. “I’m really liking this place” said Butterfly and then she started to eat her snack from home. She and the rest of the Hufflepuffs went to the common room. Then she heard the exact same Slytherin trying to get her from outside but she stopped him!
“Expeliarmus!” said Butterfly.
In the Ravenclaw common room-
Lavender and Reyz were talking about their younger siblings’ first day at Hogwarts when all of a sudden, they heard a noise and as they looked out the window they noticed somebody using a red crystal with writing on it that said, “If seen used by a student please tell a teacher (crystal is too powerful to be used by a student)”
Lavender ran to professor McGonagall’s office to tell her. McGonagall went to the secret vault to make sure she wasn’t lying and saw it was empty. She reported back and searched the school.
I should probably mention that it was Hestor, a pesky first year Slytherin, that was the one that tried to put a spell on a Gryffindor.
In Potions Class- “Hi first years! Today we are going to learn how to make Mizer Cider” said Professor Zida, the potion class teacher.
A Hufflepuff named Lemon, raised her hand.
“Lemon?” said Professor Zida, “What does it do?” asked Lemon. “It makes you fireproof“ said Professor Zida. “Nice” commented Lemon. ”Anyhow, let’s make it.”
<igmmcmi​> a creepy voice whispered. “eeeeee!!!!” said everyone, except Hessssstor.
“Anyway to make mizer cider you need: 1 cup black unicorn hair, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 half cup corroding mint,
and 1 black salamander dragon scale. And then you mix it all together with water and apple cider and here you have it! Your very own Mizer Cider.”
In the Hufflepuff common room--
Lemon and Butterfly were talking about Hestor. Lemon thought he was an animagus which would explain McGonagall’s love for such a bad student.
“I think your right Lemon.” said Butterfly.
In McGonagall’s office--
“Now Hestor, you’re my friend, explain yourself!” said McGonagall “I..I..I wanted to get back at Butterfly for deflecting my spell on the train against my older sister, Stephanie. I know Lavender and Reyz reported that, but I wanted to get Butterfly AND her sister because families are always alike right?!” exclaimed Hestor. “Well kind of, but why did you want to get Stephanie, your older sister?” “Because she makes fun of me just because she thinks she is perfect and I’m so bad” said Hestor.
“That is bad behavior, but you don’t need to try to put a spell on her; just tell a teacher.” said McGonagall.
“OK” acknowledged Hestor. “Oh, and I will tell her it is bad behavior too.” said McGonagall.
In the owlery-
“To my parents.” said Butterfly as she was handing a owl a note (or technically “clawing” cause birds have claws instead of hands) The owl flew away with the note.
The next day in the Grand Hall-
The owl flew back and delivered Butterfly’s note. She read the letter as it unraveled.
It said, ‘Hola nos sentimos bien lamento que nos extrañes’ Every single student and teacher, except Lavender, stood up and looked at her. “What? I speak Spanish.” said Butterfly, “In English it reads: ‘Hi, I am sorry that you miss us’.”
They went back to what they were doing. (Author’s note: I do not speak that much Spanish- I just used a translator on Google. Just search “english to spanish” on Google)
“Hey tengo una gran idea para investigar Hestor, estoy casi seguro de que él es un animago que, o no, sé que McGonagall lo ama, por lo que podemos hablar de él con McGonagall” Butterfly whispered into Lavender’s ear. (in English it was: hey Ihave a great idea to investigate Hestor, I’m almost certain that he is a animagus. That or not I know that McGonagall loves him so we can talk about him with McGonagall)
Then they heard a sound. It was an owl flying by to Lemon.
Lemon opened the note and read “Salut ma jolie petite fille chérie comment vas-tu?” Everybody stood up and looked at her.
“What? I speak French” she said. “In english it reads: Hi my cute little darling girl how have you been?”
They went back to what they were doing (Author’s note: I do not speak much french I just used a translator on Google just search “english to french” on Google)
Chapter 2: The Salamander
It was Quidditch time! It was Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin. “The seekers are Hestor and Butterfly.” announced McGonagall.
It was intense! It was action packed! Near the end, the snitch was out of the playground. They got it at the same time but Hufflepuff had more points so they won.
In the Hufflepuff common room--
“Did you know that I am an animagus?” said Lemon. “No!” said Butterfly “I am an animagus for a salamander” said Lemon.
“A salamander?!” said Butterfly. “Yep” acknowledged Lemon.
At that moment she turned into a salamander and then she turned back.
“Wanna see a trick?” asked Lemon. “Sure” said Butterfly.
At that moment Lemon turned into a salamander and crawled on the walls of the common room and turned back and at that moment they all saw Hestor.
“I’m also an animagus” he said.
That moment he turned into a snake and almost slithered into the common room but before he could, Butterfly said “Expecto Patronum!”
Hestor laughed. “Is that a shrimp??“ he said, “How is a shrimp going t--”
Before he could finish his sentence, he got quickly overwhelmed by a swarm of shrimp. “Don’t come in our common room.” said Butterfly
Chapter 3:Lunar and Riot |[]| | | |
(On the previous page is the best aski art of Butterfly’s wand that I could do, the crystal is actually red.)
In the Grand Hall for lunch--
An owl flies in, it delivers a note to a boy and a girl. They read as they discover it is a howler.
It exclaims: “Happy Birthday little twins! Happy birthday second years! Happy Birthday, Lunar and Riot, Happy Birthday! I would like everyone to raise their glass for the birthday of Lunar and Riot, there are a bunch of cupcakes in the envelope by the way.”
“Oh, that’s why she asked us how many students there are this year.” said Lunar. “Uh-huh!” Riot agreed. People started to sing happy birthday to them after they raised their glasses.
Chapter 4: The Mysterious Little Girl
Lunar whipped Lavender and Butterfly into meeting at the girls’ bathroom; the one with Moaning Myrtle.
They opened a few stall doors and they stumbled upon an unconscious body of a girl. It wasn’t Moaning Myrtle.
“Rivios” said Butterfly (rivios (ri-ve-ose) is the revival spell in this era and can only be performed by the special type of wand that Butterfly has, the wand only chooses super kind people hence the special spell is the reviving spell)
The crystal glowed as rays from each corner of the crystal formed a pyramid with their lines at the tip of the pyramid. There was a ray of power that was very strong and it went straight into the body (the motion for the spell is not the usual swish & flick rather you begin to stab the dead body, but when it is very close you stop the motion if you are not done saying the spell by then it won’t work)
The girl woke up. “How dare you-wait I-I’m healed! Wait! You are not the person that hurt me” said the mysterious girl.
“I’m not. I’m the person that healed you from death.” said Butterfly. “Healed? I’m Lilac.” said Lilac. “What house are you in?” asked Lunar. “Slytherin.” said Lilac. “How old are you?” asked Lavender.
“11.” said Lilac.
“Year of birth?” said Lavender. “2007.” said Lilac. “You are actually 12, because it is 2019.” said Lavender. “Oh I guess I have been dead for a whole summer.” said Lilac.


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