Friday, February 8, 2019


On my way home from work I thought about the weekend and that K & I will be going to our first SCA event as Landed Baronages.  This reminded me that my coronet doesn't fit.  Which resulted in a long line of trying it on with different hats.  It became rather silly.

First was the bycocket.  I have this one which was purchased and another that K made for me.  Somehow I only got a picture with this one.

Then there is this felted hat that is another that K made me.  It isn't quite middle ages but there are adjustments she thought she could do to make it work.

An old SCA hat of Gideon's was found and we determined it is too small for me.  This is a little surprising--only because my head is already so small.  Gideon's head is larger than mine, he is seven.

A small head is my problem though.  If I remove my glasses I get a necklace, even with the lovely green and white spiral cushion borrowed from the previous Baroness.

It can work if I balance just right...

Then I got a little silly and tried a bunch of other hats on with the coronet. 

Finally a game plan emerged and I crocheted a really long strip of wool that we felted.  In the morning it will hopefully get made into a similar type cushion as the one I am borrowing but will actually fit my small head.  Part of me really wants a large variety of hats and things to support the coronet, it just seems fitting somehow.

This all reminded me of last Pennsic where I also wore many hats in memory of a friend we had just lost.  He had worn different hats, both literal and figurative ones.  I think he would have laughed at my choices of hats and silliness too.

Being silly is my happy for today.  I am grateful for the hat memories and the laughs.

👒 ☮ 🎩

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