Sunday, February 10, 2019


It has been a nice lazy Sunday for me.  We all went out for breakfast this morning.  K got a Facebook alert, or something, that a local restaurant, that Gideon loves, was going out of business, today.  Because of this news the decision was made to all come home instead of spending the night with a friend.  We found out late enough last night that Gideon was pretty much inconsolable when he heard the news.  He did much better this morning at the restaurant.  We were the first in the door.  The restaurant specialized in crepes.  I got my own but Gideon, K & Z got some different flavors to share.  They each ate a little from the plate then rotated around the table.  At one point Gideon had two plates in front of him taking a bite from one then the other.  It didn't take long for him to proclaim he was full.

Breakfast and watching Gideon take his last look around the restaurant are my happy things for today.  I am grateful that I was able to be part of this.  So many things mean more than we realize to kids.  K let him keep the receipt for nostalgia.

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