Tuesday, April 30, 2019


There was a seminar that a cousin and I went to tonight on real estate investing.  It was actually a lot of fun.  Partially because I was with good company but also because the presentation was informative with some humor thrown in.  If I get a sudden influx of money I have an idea of how I might use real estate to help it grow in a way that I think I can do.  This is a good thing, but my happy for today is getting to spend time with family. 

Monday, April 29, 2019


Last night's grand plan of getting to bed early and getting lots of sleep failed.  I was not able to fall asleep.  I tossed and turned.  For the first time listening to sleep meditations didn't work.  I did eventually fall asleep sometime after 11 and before midnight.  It was a restless sleep but I got up and made it to work on time this morning.  Most of the day seems like a bit of a blur.  After work I ran some errands including bringing my car to a mechanic to give me a quote for fixing my brakes and anything else that may be wrong with it.  Happy things for today include:

  • The frost pattern on my car this morning.
  • Getting to work on time.
  • Students who seemed happy to see me today.
  • Making a plan for things happening tomorrow.
  • Seeing Gideon and getting hugs from the family.
  • Getting a text from an old friend.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Little Things

Some days it is the little things that need to be remembered to help one find the happy things.  I have had a mild cough the last few days but yesterday, in the cold as the sun went down it kind of got worse.  This morning my voice was rather horse.  There are things I wanted to do: a bridal shower, a scribal gathering, sewing and exercise are a few.  My happy things today though are:

  • I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and got dressed today.
  • Late in the day I went to the grocery store.
  • Not only did I buy food for this week at work, but I packed up some fresh fruit and trail mix when I got home.  
  • I am in bed before 9 o'clock and my alarm is set for 5 AM and back to work.
  • I took lots of vitamins.
  • Cats got attention and fed.  Heather generally comes to me for attention, but today Chloe did too.    

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Winds of Spring

When I looked at the forecast it read that today would be partly cloudy with a 20% chance of rain in the morning and a high of 62 degrees.  If the mercury rose that high the thermometer would have to have been in direct sun during a very brief time when the wind stopped blowing.  Perhaps I am exaggerating a little. It wasn't cold enough that anyone was in any real danger of turning blue.  I was very happy that I brought my cloak to help keep the wind at bay and wishing it covered a bit higher at my neck.  What made me most happy though was seeing so many people at this event, about two hours from the closest parts of my Barony.  There were many archers, heavy-list fighters, fencers, and youth fighters as well as spectators.  Most of the people I tend to see at fighter practice were there today.  It made me very happy to see some of them called into court and awarded with some type of prize for their participation. 

Believe it or not, there is a rainbow in this picture.

Their Majesties dressed in spring colors.

Friday, April 26, 2019


There was more sewing that happened today.  I think the tunic I am making is coming out alright.  Most of what is left I am doing by hand and will take with me to an event tomorrow. K is making a velvet doublet and it is coming out beautiful and soft.  I got to go to craft night and visit with someone today and hopefully be the listener that they needed. 

When I got out of my car where we craft I could smell the tree that was in full bloom.  It was a lovely smell and is my happy for today. 

 Fragrant tree!


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Just some things to be happy about.

It was a day full of small things to be happy for:

  • There had been an appointment scheduled for me today that got canceled.  Although that didn't really make me happy, it allowed more time for the rest of the things that happened today and less anxiety about the appointment.
  • My daughter, K, told me about Hoopla being available through the library.
  • She and my grandson, Gideon, came by to visit and do some sewing.
  • I actually did do some sewing on a tunic for a friend.
  • Because of my conversation with K about Hoopla and the library I learned that I had a fine to pay.  I really thought I returned it on time, but whatever.  
  • I went to the library to pay the fine and the librarian remembered me and what I like to listen to and made some suggestions, including info about Hoopla, and I will most likely borrow Scythe from Hoopla soon.
  • I saw my tenant and we talked about him buying the house.
  • I had a nice conversation with my friend from Texas.
  • After all that I went to watch fighter practice.
  • There weren't that many people tonight at practice which made it easier to talk with some of the people who were there and get to know them better.
It was a good day.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Writing this Blog before checking my 37 notifications on Facebook seems like a good idea.  Better to fall asleep over reading things than writing them!  A trip to Boston and the Museum of Science happened today with a friend.  We got to spend some time in the temporary exhibit there, Nature's Superheroes.  I have been wanting to see this exhibit and thought that I had missed it so I am glad it was there.  There are some aspects from that exhibit that we have been learning about in seventh grade science this year.  It has probably been a little over a year since my last visit to the museum.  It seems that there has been a bunch of change.  There were new exhibits, many temporary and some I hadn't seen before.  I am not sure whether they were new exhibits or if I just hadn't ventured to certain parts of the building before.  Either way, visiting the museum is my happy for today.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


The question of the evening:  Can I finish writing this before Heather, the cat, comes in and walks all over the keyboard?  This is what will help make my posts short, and keep me awake and on my toes so-to-speak.

Vacation day number two had me visiting the chiropractor, getting my mail and visiting home for clothes before heading back to my friends house where I will be living for the next week.  Usually I am here just a few days a week, we are changing it up a little over vacation. 

This afternoon I did a little bit of sewing in a quick way just to make a pattern.  The objective is to make some garb for a friend so that, in turn, he and his wife will be a little less stressed prior to the summer event season and that he might have the time to make some super secret things for the Barony in his workshop.  The tunic pattern went together really fast and there are some not so neat seams and I forgot to put in a gore.  It's all good though since this is just the pattern, adjustments can be made before I cut it out of the more expensive fabric.  Sewing is my happy for today.  I wish I could remember how much I enjoy doing some of these things when I am avoiding doing them.   Ha!

No cat!  🙀 

Monday, April 22, 2019

Mar-vell-us Flowers

Monday can perhaps be considered my first real day of April vacation.  It seems that I have something to do almost every day this week that isn't vacation-like.  During school break K and Gideon are road testing homechooling.  This morning I got to do a little lesson with Gideon.  We dissected a flower and talked about all the parts and saw where the seeds will come from.  All these are things we've been doing at work in the seventh grade.  It was fun and I hope he retains some of what we talked about.  He seems to be taking the possibility of homeschooling very seriously.

Later my friend and I went to see someone in the early afternoon and then met my daughter at a movie theater to see Captain Marvel.  I really enjoyed the movie and I look forward to seeing the next Avenger movie which comes out later this week although, I don't know when we will get to see it.  These two things are my happy for today. 

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday

The alarm went off at 5 AM this morning but I was too tired to get up so missed going to Easter Sunrise Service.  We did make it to the Easter gathering with my side of the family.  It was at a new location this year, a different cousin, but it was still a great time with many family members.  I got to be a bit silly with some of my cousins.  Family time is my happy for today.  We also had a get together with Z's family and Gideon set up a Minecraft game along with Z's youngest brother.  That was fun too.  All and all a good day.

Egg hunt. 

Family photo. 

From the album that was shared today:
My parent's wedding in 1956. 

My mom and oldest brother in 1958. 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Weaving Circle Saturday.

It was a nice day spent with friends talking about updating policies, camping and crafts.   Some of us went to dinner in the evening and now I get to sleep.   Gideon came with me today and he didn't want to at first.   I think he had a good time too.   He surprised me when we were talking about policies and bylaws by joining into the conversation.   Such a smart kid.  Laughter with friends is my happy for today.


Friday, April 19, 2019

Just Some Happy Things

It is WAY after my normal bedtime so this should be short.

At school today there was an assembly with a juggler.  He spoke between juggling about his life and how important education is.  He went through a tennis racket WHILE juggling!  I have friend who performs and goes through a tennis racket but she doesn't juggle at the same time.  Both are awesome!  That is my first happy for the day.


Another happy for today was playing Minecraft.  I know, it is one I use a bunch.  Today I got to play a little after work and a bunch after craft-night with my friend from Texas.  We explored and mined and built things together and it was fun.

My other happy for today is that someone made me a little cap (they call it a hat Frisbee because it can be tossed like a Frisbee, that works to support my coronet.  It looks great too.  😁

Things are blooming at the state house!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Maundy Thursday

Next week is April school vacation.  The students tend to get a little more rambunctious before a vacation.  The teachers try to find things that are educational and more fun the last day before the vacation.  This year we get two days.  Tomorrow something special is happening and today we had a guest from Northeast Passage.  I had not heard of this non-profit until this week.  They work with people with disabilities to help provide them with therapeutic recreation.  What caught my eye the most were the archery pictures they brought--one with someone pulling the string with a foot, and one with their mouth and a special thing so the string itself isn't in the mouth. 

Aside from the pictures, the man who came brought 20 wheel chairs that were the type used for playing on a court.  All the kids were able to be in a wheelchair and play a game that had a name I don't remember but was originally called murder ball.  The name was changed to something less threatening, and for me, more forgettable.  😉  Most of the kids had a blast.  It was a bit overwhelming for a few kids, but from what I saw, was still enjoyed. 

After lunch the adults got a chance to compete.  For once I volunteered to participate.  I usually hang back and watch things like this, especially team sports.  My childhood was filled with being the last called for a team and then making stupid mistakes like throwing the ball to the wrong team.  Thankfully I didn't make any overly stupid mistakes.  I'm still not the most skilled but it was blast and quite the workout.  One of the things that surprised me the most about playing a game in a wheelchair was how much my legs ached when I got up again.  It gave me a whole new level of appreciation for the amount of strength it takes to maneuver in a wheel chair.  I've been a caretaker a few times and had to push a wheel chair and that has its own challenges.  Knowing more about programs that do therapeutic recreation and playing on a team with and against school staff are my happy things for today.

In the afternoon I kind of had a craving for candy, didn't find what I wanted and over did it a little...

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


This week I left my winter jacket at home and instead just wearing a sweater for warmth.  When I left work today I went to my locker out of habit and needed nothing from in there to bring home.  I had my sweater on and my water bottle and was ready to go.  It has been quite a while since I carried a purse regularly.  It is a wonderful thing to not have to worry about or have the weight on my shoulder. 

My friend and I went for a lovely walk today.  The weather warm and the wind mild.  Getting out and going for a walk is my happy for today.  That and that we may be sharing some gardening with my friend--so fresh vegetables in the fall are a possibility. 

Flower dissection at school today. 

Raised gardens... 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


There is seldom such a thing as too much garlic.  Tonight I reached that point.  Some friends and I were to go out to dinner tonight.  It was supposed to be three of us, but one canceled and then there were two.  There were few tables available and we picked one that was in a corner away from traffic.  Raising our voices over other patrons we chatted and eventually ordered our dinners.  There was a haddock dish on the specials that I decided to try.  Baked haddock cooked with a lemon wine and lightly sprinkled with garlic, mashed potatoes and spinach.  It was delicious.  The haddock was cooked just right as were the spinach and mashed potatoes.  The cooks however have a different meaning for the word light than myself.  My hope is that my breath will not be that of a dragon tomorrow, even after brushing my teeth a few times.  😏😹🐉  It was highly enjoyable and is my happy for today.

Monday, April 15, 2019


It is Monday.  There were two newsworthy fires today-Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris and Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.  Work was a bit stressful.  This must all mean that tomorrow will be better.  After work I got some things done that I have been meaning to do.  I got a Facebook group going for an event this summer, looked over a letter to put into our local SCA newsletter and I bought myself some new jeans.  It was a relaxing afternoon-when I wasn't reading about fires.  My happy for today is that I found jeans.  Generally, when I go the store, it is sold out of my size.  The first store I went to was sold out, but not the second one.  Perseverance!  It is jeans week at school and not I have more than one pair to wear.  

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Palm Sunday

Last night I didn't get to sleep so I slept in this morning.  It was a do nothing and recuperate kind of day and I took advantage of that.  My happy for today is that I got my taxes done, finally.  Nothing like waiting for the last minute.  I'm thankful for getting some more pictures from the event yesterday that I can post here. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

April Revel--picture heavy

There was a meeting today followed by a small event.  It was glorious and is my happy for today.  There was food and friends, a meeting and court-our first non-investiture court.  I think we did okay.  Hopefully I was loud enough to be heard in the back of the room. 

It is funny some of the things that we hadn't really discussed until this morning, like what to wear.  Somehow I forgot the thing that I am trying to wear under the coronet to keep it on.  Before court I asked someone to braid my hair so we could make it work.  They did a fabulous job of getting it up and out of the way and looking nice too.  They actually sewed my braided hair to my head followed by sewing the coronet to the braids so that the coronet wasn't going anywhere.  I was able to put my head down without it falling off and it worked beautifully.


We were given gifts of sekanjamin.  The one that we tried was flavored with clove and cinnamon to resemble a fireball.  It was delicious.  The flavors were not as hot as a fireball but were sweet and oh so yummy.  The person who made it gave us a whole bunch and I think we will have to make room to pack it for the events we go to this year. 

We were also given gifts of two stuffed animals, one for K and one for me.  Hers was a sheep and mine a llama.  These are the animals that portray us in a weekly online comic that we appear in sometimes.  I actually pulled out my phone and took pictures from the thrones when I saw the gift coming, I knew it had to be something special.

Right after the gifts were presented the man who writes the comic made it to the event and we got to show him the animals and it was great.  


That is a brief rundown of some of the things that happened today.  I got to give out some favors and people were recognized for what they did.  In retrospect I should have given out more of the tokens I have too.  Many thanks to all the people who helped out with and put together this event and the kind gentle (one of our heads of staff) who took many of these photos.  So grateful for the wonder-filled Barony I live in.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday Bits

Kids tend to be more challenging on Fridays.  Well, maybe.  Sometimes I think it is the adults on Friday that also don't want to be at school and so we make it harder on ourselves without realizing.  In one of the classes there was a pop quiz followed by time studying the states locations.  The teacher found a cool website at the beginning of the year, Seterra, that is a great study aid for learning the states, countries and capitols.

When I got home from work I took a nap.  That was supposed to be followed by productive things but I still have many things to do before going to an event tomorrow.   Early morning for me I guess.  My happy for today is that I remembered to pay my mortgage--before the late fee kicked in.  The tenant pays me the rent in time, then I forget to pay the mortgage!  Soon this will be behind me.  😊

The school bulletin board will have bitmoji's from staff.
This is what I think I want for me. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019


This morning when I got up I could walk.  After ice skating yesterday I wasn't sure even though I stretched after.  There are a few light aches and a sore toe but I felt pretty good today.  I took a nap after work and then a two mile hike.  The hike was on a trail I had been on one other time a few years ago with some other ladies.  We set out to do a loop and it ended up getting dark and one of our party got sick.  We eventually called and the NH Fish and Game and some police officers got us out and brought us back to our cars.  This time I set a timer so that I would be sure to get out on before dark and in time to go to fighter practice.

There were quite a few folks at practice tonight.  I didn't do any fencing practice or drills and just watched tonight.  One of the fighters brought his son to practice.  The youth fighters use different armor and much lighter weapons.  He played with all the adult fighters though, they used his lighter weapons and didn't swing as hard as for the adults and seemed to have a great time. 

Both the hike and watching the practice are my happy things for today.