Monday, April 1, 2019


After school I did a real quick check of my email before heading off on my errands and home.  There was an email from Gideon.  He occasionally sends something, usually a link to a spreadsheet about Dungeons and Dragons or some other thing that he dreams up.  Today the subject line was 'Homeschool Schedule'.  This confused me as he goes to public school and whenever homeschooling is brought up he doesn't seem to like the idea at all.  The email did in fact contain a link to a spreadsheet with  a brief schedule of classes including wake up and go to bed times.  It appears that he was disciplined at school today and feels that homeschooling may be a better choice.  There are other issues going on as well.  He said that he prayed for guidance and the answer to his prayer was homeschooling.  We will be starting the trial run in the summer and see what happens.  Before bed tonight he tried to show me a dance he had made up.  I was good and did not let him know that if he homeschooled we could probably stay up late on school nights and go to dance practice an hour away.  I also didn't bring up that they could travel during the school year to places like Texas to visit family.  Is it obvious that this change of heart for Gideon is my happy for today?  It may be that he continues in public school, but I'll this for now. 


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