Sunday, April 28, 2019

Little Things

Some days it is the little things that need to be remembered to help one find the happy things.  I have had a mild cough the last few days but yesterday, in the cold as the sun went down it kind of got worse.  This morning my voice was rather horse.  There are things I wanted to do: a bridal shower, a scribal gathering, sewing and exercise are a few.  My happy things today though are:

  • I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and got dressed today.
  • Late in the day I went to the grocery store.
  • Not only did I buy food for this week at work, but I packed up some fresh fruit and trail mix when I got home.  
  • I am in bed before 9 o'clock and my alarm is set for 5 AM and back to work.
  • I took lots of vitamins.
  • Cats got attention and fed.  Heather generally comes to me for attention, but today Chloe did too.    

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