Monday, April 22, 2019

Mar-vell-us Flowers

Monday can perhaps be considered my first real day of April vacation.  It seems that I have something to do almost every day this week that isn't vacation-like.  During school break K and Gideon are road testing homechooling.  This morning I got to do a little lesson with Gideon.  We dissected a flower and talked about all the parts and saw where the seeds will come from.  All these are things we've been doing at work in the seventh grade.  It was fun and I hope he retains some of what we talked about.  He seems to be taking the possibility of homeschooling very seriously.

Later my friend and I went to see someone in the early afternoon and then met my daughter at a movie theater to see Captain Marvel.  I really enjoyed the movie and I look forward to seeing the next Avenger movie which comes out later this week although, I don't know when we will get to see it.  These two things are my happy for today. 

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