Saturday, April 13, 2019

April Revel--picture heavy

There was a meeting today followed by a small event.  It was glorious and is my happy for today.  There was food and friends, a meeting and court-our first non-investiture court.  I think we did okay.  Hopefully I was loud enough to be heard in the back of the room. 

It is funny some of the things that we hadn't really discussed until this morning, like what to wear.  Somehow I forgot the thing that I am trying to wear under the coronet to keep it on.  Before court I asked someone to braid my hair so we could make it work.  They did a fabulous job of getting it up and out of the way and looking nice too.  They actually sewed my braided hair to my head followed by sewing the coronet to the braids so that the coronet wasn't going anywhere.  I was able to put my head down without it falling off and it worked beautifully.


We were given gifts of sekanjamin.  The one that we tried was flavored with clove and cinnamon to resemble a fireball.  It was delicious.  The flavors were not as hot as a fireball but were sweet and oh so yummy.  The person who made it gave us a whole bunch and I think we will have to make room to pack it for the events we go to this year. 

We were also given gifts of two stuffed animals, one for K and one for me.  Hers was a sheep and mine a llama.  These are the animals that portray us in a weekly online comic that we appear in sometimes.  I actually pulled out my phone and took pictures from the thrones when I saw the gift coming, I knew it had to be something special.

Right after the gifts were presented the man who writes the comic made it to the event and we got to show him the animals and it was great.  


That is a brief rundown of some of the things that happened today.  I got to give out some favors and people were recognized for what they did.  In retrospect I should have given out more of the tokens I have too.  Many thanks to all the people who helped out with and put together this event and the kind gentle (one of our heads of staff) who took many of these photos.  So grateful for the wonder-filled Barony I live in.

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