Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Day 6?

This year I brought a push lawn mower with me to Pennsic.  No gas or electric,  just push and mow.  I was surprised how much others were pleased with getting the grass cut.  At least three others mowed some part of the area.  My hope is that the bugs around my ankles will be less.  Of course, I'm wearing boots so I have no idea if it is working.

The first week of Pennsic there is much less happening than the second.  So I finally got the tent better organized,  used the carpet sweeper to vacuum, sewed, mowed, got a light put up, glued my shoes, wandered the merchants, had ice cream with my protege,  planned things for next Pennsic and some things for this year.   All of these things are my happy for today.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pennsic Day 5- picture heavy

Last night I had trouble sleeping even with the air mattress I am borrowing.   This morning a bunch of us went to help with setting up East Kingdom Royal Encampment.   It seemed to go well with things getting done and people working well together.  Soon after getting back though I took a nap.  It was supposed to be a short one, but I fell back to sleep after my alarm went off.  I woke up very wet from sweating in the heat.

That is when the sky started to turn dark and the temperature started to fall.  The cooler air was refreshing.  The rain, when it finally came, was hard.  The street became a rushing stream and water pooled on some of the canvas tents.  As far as I know, everyone in our encampment stayed as dry as they wanted and so did their tents-on the inside.

There was much conversation and crafting under the Common Tent.  I almost finished mending a dress and K worked on making one for me.  This part of Pennsic, when folks are just relaxing and talking and crafting, is one of my favorite parts and thus one of my happy things for today.

Other happy things include:

  • Walking around the pond (okay, this started as me being overwhelmed and needing to take a break, but it was pretty).
  • Watching all the kids try to help out by serving water and pretzels during set up.
  • Receiving a kumihimo braid from my protege to hang my badge off.
  • Organization.
  • Massages. 
  • Rainbows.


A sign post letting us know how far away from home we are.

Storms comin'.

A little rain.

Lots of Rain.

There is a rainbow... really.

The tent at night.

Kumihimo braid for my medallion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Pennsic Day 4

This morning's task was helping to set up the Performance Tent.  Many people showed up to help.  One of the organizers for setting up the tent makes tasty Sekanjabin syrups that she shares with the volunteers.  I had some of the lemon basil today.  One of them also gave out a small token to everyone who helped.  I'm really wishing that I had made some tokens to hand out prior to coming to War.  We got the stage floor set up today.

In the afternoon I had the opportunity to take a nap and did so.  I think that is the only reason I had the energy to help K set up when she arrived this evening.  The fire pit was dug out and fire wood purchased so kids were able to roast marshmallows tonight over the fire.  

Happy things for today include meeting new people while helping out at he performance tent, sitting by the fire and borrowing an air mattress from a friend to sleep on tonight.  I haven't been sleeping well because my cot is very saggy.

The Parking Lot at Night

K and I by fake candlelight

This is the token for volunteering at the Performance Tent

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pennsic Day 3

We fixed the shower problem!  The regulator had a leak.  The regulator attachment is an odd size.   We found an adapter at Home Depot that reduces the end of the hose so that we can buy easy to find regulators in the future.  I feel so much
better now that I have showered.

While getting my things together to go shopping for the shower parts I couldn't find my wallet.  This  is the first day I needed it since Land Grab Day.  I looked in a few places that I expected to find it, asked others to keep an eye out for it as I thought it may have just fallen on the ground while moving things.   Eventually I got to start setting up things inside the pavilion and I found it!  I had put it in a safe place and forgotten where that was-sigh.  I'm just happy it was found.

Other happy moments today include paying a Pennsic camp bill, getting my bed made, more people arriving, visiting other people and people coming to visit us,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pennsic Day 2

It has been a long day.  The tent I am using is up, but I haven't set up my stuff inside the I want to yet.  It has been hot and we were trying to get the shower working.  The new shower is beautiful and I can't wait to be able to use it.  It seems that the regulator for the propane to heat the water is no good, again.  So it will only supply us with cold showers right now.  I was going to take a cold shower, but it got cold out, so I changed my mind. 

More people are here and things are getting set up.  These are my happy things for today.

Pictures are out of order....

Friday, July 26, 2019

Pennsic Land Grab Day

We made it to gate on time, but plenty of people were here before us.  Gate and the Land Grab Barn were set up differently than last year and was therefore, a little confusing.  I got my badge, met others at our block and walked through to check on the wetness.  There were a couple of big wet spots but we all thought we could work with it and so the papers got signed and we started to set up.  There was some pea stone delivered to help with the ruts where it was wet. 

Unfortunately the trailer wasn't here and we had to wait for it to arrive before setting up the Common Tent.  My two helpers went to town to pick up the water softener and I took a nap until the trailer arrived. 

With the trailer I had all the poles to begin setting up the tent.  Most of the preliminary stuff was done by the time they returned--with food.  After fueling ourselves the Common Tent went up, with just the three of us.  We rock... just saying.  Last year an entire household came by to help us, this year we persevered. 

We had a very good day, all things considered. The voices in my head were encouraging.  It was hot, but we took breaks and drank water.  I have a well earned blister on my hand.  My happy for today and biggest achievement today is getting up the Common Tent.  It is about a 20' X 30' Marquee. 

We came in from a different side than I am used to and 
this was our first view of one of the parking lots.

This is a picture of where the Common Tent will be placed. 

I couldn't go far enough away and still get the set up crew in the picture.
The tent didn't fit in this shot. 

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Today was the long drive.  I was one of two passengers and we reached our destination in a little less than 12 hours.  So thankful for the friend that did ALL the driving. The other passenger is the lovely lady that has embroidered a bunch of my favors for me.  Two special ladies. 

We had a good day.  Laughing at ourselves when we got out of the truck and could barely walk from sitting so long.  Spotting birds, deer, cows, horses and bunnies along the way.  Each of us would share an occasional story about our lives or travel.  We ended the day at the hotel with a swim and a sit in the hot tub.  It is nice when there is enough time to actually use some of the amenities when spending the night somewhere.

My happy things for today are:

  • Good people
  • Happy memories
  • Swimming
  • Hot tub
  • Someone new introduced themselves on the Barony page
  • I received an award recommendation in an email today
  • Spotting cars along the way that were packed and trying to decide if they were part of the SCA or not.
On the Road!

Going under the Appalachian Trail.

Rest Stop! 


There is a river somewhere in this picture.


Just hitching a ride!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sore Feet

Today packing and repacking was done and a little bit of sewing too.  Tomorrow we leave for Pennsylvania for two weeks worth of setting up camp, learning and doing things medieval and then camp tear down.  We also went for a walk in the morning and out for dinner tonight. 

It has been one year since a dear friend of mine committed suicide.  A year of sadness and tears, changes and growth, laughter and smiles.  I will be finding a way to write about this, but I am not sure that a year was long enough for the right words to come.  I will work on it though. 

There are happy things for today though...

  • This mornings walk had turtles sunning on a log, a Blue Heron preening, wildflowers, cat o´nine tails, wetlands, and great conversation.
  • I bought food, juices, vitamins, and necessities for camping.
  • Hugs
  • Yummy food
  • We are mostly packed
  • Over 15,000 steps!