Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pennsic Day 3

We fixed the shower problem!  The regulator had a leak.  The regulator attachment is an odd size.   We found an adapter at Home Depot that reduces the end of the hose so that we can buy easy to find regulators in the future.  I feel so much
better now that I have showered.

While getting my things together to go shopping for the shower parts I couldn't find my wallet.  This  is the first day I needed it since Land Grab Day.  I looked in a few places that I expected to find it, asked others to keep an eye out for it as I thought it may have just fallen on the ground while moving things.   Eventually I got to start setting up things inside the pavilion and I found it!  I had put it in a safe place and forgotten where that was-sigh.  I'm just happy it was found.

Other happy moments today include paying a Pennsic camp bill, getting my bed made, more people arriving, visiting other people and people coming to visit us,

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