Friday, July 5, 2019

Mount Major--picture heavy

After getting up on time we didn't get out of the house when we wanted.  Then ran into traffic so-much traffic. So the day did not start as on time as we would have liked.  It was still a good climb.  Gideon did get way over tired and C carried him a good part of the way down.  We are all pretty tired though.  We learned that Gideon needs to go on an easier trail next time.  He has done this one before, but it was a few years ago and he weighs a bit more as a seven year old to carry than a three or four year old did. 

My happy for today is that we all made it up Mount Major today.  I am so grateful for my companions who helped Gideon make the trek.

On the way up.

At the top. 

Hands around the geological marker #1. 

Silly hands around a different geological marker. 

The second marker we found-close up. 

On the way back down. 

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