Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hot Summer Day

The heat index rose to 107 degrees today.  This was our day to pack as much into the trailer as possible.  I am unbelievably thankful to my friend that allowed us -not only to borrow a bunch of her camping things- but to do all the staging and packing at her house today while taking timely breaks to avoid the heat in her air conditioning.  We would have melted elsewhere.  Even with all that she also asked her son to help and he did!  Such awesome people I have for friends. 

These people are my happy things for today as well as the other awesome friend whose trailer we are using and who will be driving me to the big upcoming event.  Her packing skills are tremendous as is her ability to work in today's heat.  Because the four of us were able to get out in the heat for a bit today all the tents are packed as well as all my bedding, lighting, kitchen things, chairs, thrones and other miscellaneous things are packed to go.  Now I can concentrate on clothing and crafts.  I expect tomorrow will include looking for what needs fixing and then sewing all day.  Or sleeping, sleeping is good.  ;) 

On the unhappy side of things, today a friend who was supposed to go to this event with us ended up with emergency gallbladder surgery and now she and her husband won't be able to attend.  I'm bumming a little about that but also a little relieved--relieved that this happened before they left to camp 600+ miles from home.  Of course it would have been better had it not happened at all.  They will be missed and I hope her recovery is speedy.

Before we filled the trailer.
I forgot an after shot... I'll try to remember before we leave.

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