Tuesday, July 2, 2019


For a short time both my children are under the same roof.  C is visiting from Texas and K finally made it home from her adventures in Texas.  If C's partner, E, had been able to come too, that would be like the icing on the cake.  They brought back not just one pavilion but two.  The second one is huge.  We spread it out but there was no way to set it up today.  It is about 30 feet long--before any ropes- round end, slant wall, marquee.  That one, K is going to try to sell.  The other, that is for K and familyto use, is about a 10 X 12 marquee.  I forgot to measure it.  We set that one up in the backyard of my friend's house where we will be celebrating on Independence Day.  I'll measure it then.

My happy things for today are having my family close (Gideon was so happy to see his mom), friends to share them with, and that K has a car that is working and she loves.

Oh!  And I reached Day 200 learning Spanish!
What did I do to celebrate?  I tried to learn a little Italian.


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