Friday, July 26, 2019

Pennsic Land Grab Day

We made it to gate on time, but plenty of people were here before us.  Gate and the Land Grab Barn were set up differently than last year and was therefore, a little confusing.  I got my badge, met others at our block and walked through to check on the wetness.  There were a couple of big wet spots but we all thought we could work with it and so the papers got signed and we started to set up.  There was some pea stone delivered to help with the ruts where it was wet. 

Unfortunately the trailer wasn't here and we had to wait for it to arrive before setting up the Common Tent.  My two helpers went to town to pick up the water softener and I took a nap until the trailer arrived. 

With the trailer I had all the poles to begin setting up the tent.  Most of the preliminary stuff was done by the time they returned--with food.  After fueling ourselves the Common Tent went up, with just the three of us.  We rock... just saying.  Last year an entire household came by to help us, this year we persevered. 

We had a very good day, all things considered. The voices in my head were encouraging.  It was hot, but we took breaks and drank water.  I have a well earned blister on my hand.  My happy for today and biggest achievement today is getting up the Common Tent.  It is about a 20' X 30' Marquee. 

We came in from a different side than I am used to and 
this was our first view of one of the parking lots.

This is a picture of where the Common Tent will be placed. 

I couldn't go far enough away and still get the set up crew in the picture.
The tent didn't fit in this shot. 

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