Sunday, July 14, 2019


Today was full of packing, curia, and letting others pack because me feet keep swelling.   C drove all the way home and now I have showered and have my feet up.  C &  I are watching Gideon so K & Z can go to an engagement party.  We are hoping to play a game later, but I am grabbing a few minutes to get some thoughts down about the weekend.

Saturday I didn't write much so I am going to try and remember some of the key parts of the day.

In the morning we held the Golden Sword Tourney.  This tourney is usually held in Stonemarche but the event we have it at was canceled so we asked to have it at this one.  There were six new fighters that competed.  We saw some wonderful fighting and they all looked very promising.  I was thrilled that last year's Golden sword winner was able to attend.  They have come a long way since last year.  All the competitors fought against seasoned fighters and members of the chivalry as well as last year's winner.  They all show promise but only one could win.  It was great time!

During the day I watched fencing, archery and thrown weapons.  I was able to see the arts and sciences displays and wander through the merchants.  I visited with people and went to morning court and tried to prepare for evening court, where I knew I had a bunch to do.  Being in the right place at time allowed me the chance to start the children's water fight.

The evening court was long and as with the morning one, many worthy people received well-earned awards for their arts, sciences, martial activities or service.  There was a presentation of largess and the children for a toy from the toy chest.

When Their Majesties asked the new comers to attend them at court, friends brought forward their six week old baby. 

Someone played harp to listen to.

Words were spoken that were true, beautiful and left no watching dry eyes during the former Baroness's induction into the Order of the Pelican.

 Someone, who wasn't expecting it, received a writ to enter into the Order of the Pelican.                                                                               

So many happy things today that my 'happy' will be that there were many SO happy things that, that i will not count them.                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sleep...

My apologies if my tiredness means that this post is full of typos. 

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