Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pennsic Day 5- picture heavy

Last night I had trouble sleeping even with the air mattress I am borrowing.   This morning a bunch of us went to help with setting up East Kingdom Royal Encampment.   It seemed to go well with things getting done and people working well together.  Soon after getting back though I took a nap.  It was supposed to be a short one, but I fell back to sleep after my alarm went off.  I woke up very wet from sweating in the heat.

That is when the sky started to turn dark and the temperature started to fall.  The cooler air was refreshing.  The rain, when it finally came, was hard.  The street became a rushing stream and water pooled on some of the canvas tents.  As far as I know, everyone in our encampment stayed as dry as they wanted and so did their tents-on the inside.

There was much conversation and crafting under the Common Tent.  I almost finished mending a dress and K worked on making one for me.  This part of Pennsic, when folks are just relaxing and talking and crafting, is one of my favorite parts and thus one of my happy things for today.

Other happy things include:

  • Walking around the pond (okay, this started as me being overwhelmed and needing to take a break, but it was pretty).
  • Watching all the kids try to help out by serving water and pretzels during set up.
  • Receiving a kumihimo braid from my protege to hang my badge off.
  • Organization.
  • Massages. 
  • Rainbows.


A sign post letting us know how far away from home we are.

Storms comin'.

A little rain.

Lots of Rain.

There is a rainbow... really.

The tent at night.

Kumihimo braid for my medallion.

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