Monday, July 8, 2019

Storage Unit

Normally when I spend time at the storage unit I end up depressed, overwhelmed, teary-eyed.  Today, none of these things happened.  Instead of feeling the money drain as a sink hole, I looked upon it as rent money for my things.  I decided to only do things with stuff that I felt I had a clue as to what to do with them or things that seemed that they could be sorted easily.  I turned on the music, loud.  I sang to the music and moved to the beat.  Maybe it was the music, or the pink floral skirt, or that it wasn't overbearingly hot, but I felt good doing this today.

At some point, I found some tiles that I have--

Live as though heaven is on earth
Dance as though no one is watching
Sing as though no one can hear you

Finding the tiles renewed my energy.  I kept the tiles set out by the door to remind me to do those   things.  Did I throw away much of the stuff?  No.  Did a lot of it end up sorted and donated?  No.  But I moved through and reorganized a bunch and felt good still in the end.  No tears. 

After, I met up with a friend to give some kits too and then with K, Z, C, Gideon and other family for a fun dinner.  The storage unit and dinner are my happy things for today.  Also, the red hat I found.  Now I keep falling asleep at the keyboard, so good night!

All the Stuff!

Red hat 

Bop! To the nose! 

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