Saturday, July 6, 2019

Weird Brain Thoughts

It was a hot, lazy day.  K, C, Gideon and I went out this morning to the farmer's market for some breakfast.  The jelly cream filled doughnut I had was delicious.  The heat of the day was heavy though and I took a nap soon after getting home. 

My happy things for today are:

  • The doughnut.
  • Sitting down as a family and watching a movie tonight.
  • Figuring out how to use the SD card on my phone which freed up about 8 GB of space (so far).
  • Big, tight, squeeze hugs from Gideon
  • Hearing the rain fall.  Somehow it seems like summer rains have a different sound than other seasons.
  • Sunsets.


And this is where I am going to throw in a tangent.  I've been contemplating the homonyms whole and hole.  These two words that sound the same have such different meanings.  If one is whole then they are a well-adjusted happy person as opposed to having a hole in one's life that is when something missing and things aren't going well.  These aren't the only way these words are used, but those are the meanings my tired brain is stuck on.  I want to come up with some poem or meme or something.  As it is, the more I think about this whole thing, the deeper hole I am digging for myself.  Ugh. 

Then there was the doughnut... It was a whole doughnut filled with jelly and cream.  So there is nothing removed from the doughnut in order to fill it with jelly and cream.  But in order to fill it, a hole is made to squeeze all the sweet deliciousness into it.  But the hole is filled so the doughnut is still whole.  Ugh. 

It is 1 AM and my brain wants to twist (w)holes.

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