Monday, December 30, 2019


For reasons that I am not quite sure of I had a rough day.  Okay, perhaps the reason was because I was tired.  I couldn't get to sleep last night and ended up playing computer games late into the night.  Then I remembered that I had an appointment this morning and so I got up way earlier than I might have otherwise.  The weather has been a mix of snow, ice, sleet etc. all day.  There was the appointment, that I kept, and the nap I took after. I canceled seeing my aunt today because of the snow, and ran some errands with Z.  The roads didn't seem too bad while Z and I were out and plans were made to go to see a movie.  Shortly after getting home from the errands, we tried to head out for the theater and the roads were no longer okay--and the evening plans were changed. 

We stayed home and watched things on TV together.  Spending time with family, relaxing, is my happy for today. 

Gideon, learning to fold his laundry.

Winter Weather.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

No Spoilers

K, Z, Gideon and I met some friends and went to see the movie Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.  Gideon did really well in the theater.  Our biggest concern was that he would need to use the restroom or make loud movie related comments or questions.  He was awesome and really enjoyed the show.  We all enjoyed it.  After we went out for ice cream.

There are two days left to the year and that will end this series of my Blog.  It will be time to start a new one.  I'm hoping to make some changes, but I am concerned that I won't be able to follow through with my ideas.  There will continue to be a happy each day.  Ideally there will be more content of various types as well.  I'm still working on what to do and how to present it.  Two days.

Today my happy is the movie and ice cream. 

Yesterday I forgot to post the picture I took of the moon setting with Saturn (I believe) above.  I guess I was too excited about the hike.  There is a storm coming so no night sky pictures today.

The lights toward the top of the picture are reflections.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hike today-picture heavy

Last night some people asked if I wanted to go for a hike today and I agreed.  What I thought was going to be a three hour hike turned into five.  It was a lot of fun though and we did take a few breaks and have a picnic at the top.  My other plans for the afternoon ended up being postponed.  We hiked up South Mountain in Pawtuckaway State Park.  I'm glad I had my SnowTrax to help keep my grip on the icy and muddy trails.  There was a Fire Tower on the top so I got my third tower in for the year.  I didn't think I would get to any more until spring.  That leaves 12 fire towers for next year. 

I'm not sure if it was just the nice weather or if there really was a dog meet up today but there were SO MANY DOGS.  It was great.  A couple got into my lap and licked me while I was putting my SnowTrax back on my boots.  There were so many people with dogs we started feeling like we were missing something. 

So I am happy I got to hike and get to know some people better and I am happy that I got another Fire Tower.  I'm also pleased with my pedometer count which is over 20,000 steps for today.

Some Pictures

This was on the ceiling of the fire tower.
Unfortunately I didn't see the directions for how to use it until too late.
Maybe another, less cold day, I will get up there again.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Happy Friday

Today was full of errands.  It shouldn't have been, but it took about 6 stores to find what we wanted.  Some time over the weekend though a rack to hold spices and another for coffee and coffee cups will hopefully be installed.  Yesterday I was on my feet most of the day in the kitchen moving around and only had 3195 steps.  Today, walking around in stores, I had just over 9000 steps and so took a walk around a block to reach my 10,000 step goal. 

After errands it was late enough that we all went out for dinner.  My happy for the day is being with family and singing in a store with my daughter.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Boxing Day

It has been a long and busy day.  The chiropractor decided that I should visit more often because of the car accident.  I don't want to, but I'm going again tomorrow anyway.   Tonight I will stretch my back and hope that will help.  There was no real impact,  my back shouldn't ache so much.

K and I spent the afternoon reorganizing the kitchen.   Tomorrow afternoon we will do more.  I'm hoping to install some cabinets while on break.  There was a meme I saw go by on Facebook.  It suggested that the time between Christmas and New Year's should be spent doing nothing.  I feel like this is the only time I have to do things around the house that can be done in a long stretch.  At the same time, I understand wanting or needing to do that.  I do nothing often though, so I think I'm good with being productive on break-at least a little bit.

We got so much stuff moved around and cleaned today.  This productivity and team work are what I am happy for today.  Gideon helped out some too. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

As I get ready to close off the day with how my day went, I am flooded with thoughts about things to come.  Deep breaths and I will focus in on this day. 

This morning we opened stockings and presents.  Some things that I got were llama slippers and a llama Christmas sweater.  There was also fruit, some cool pins about the outdoors, and other things.  Gideon enjoyed the moon slippers to go with his space uniform pajamas.  His most meaningful gift (in my opinion) was the request he made for people to donate money to Wikipedia.  There ended up being a total of 19 people who donated almost $300.  K put the names of everyone who donated onto a paper snowflake we made and Gideon read them off and then we used them to decorate the tree.  That is this morning's happy.

This afternoon I met a friend and we went for a walk along part of a rail trail.  It wasn't very long but it was great to get out there in the fresh air.  That is my happy for the afternoon.

In the evening I met up with K, Z and Gideon at Z's family for dinner.  It was nice to visit.  After dinner we played games, that is my happy for the evening.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Happy Christmas Eve

The stores are all closed and there are more gifts that I wish I could have found.  I wandered some of the local shops today but I guess I was too picky and got very little.  It was a nice walk though.  The sidewalks in town were far less busy than the streets were.  Not driving was a good thing. 

Gideon is so excited for Christmas.  There are cookies out for Santa and he drew and colored a fire place that is hanging in the living room for ambiance.  The stockings nearby.  It may have been because Thanksgiving was late in November or it may just be life, but Christmas came too fast for this family to feel completely prepared.  Thankfully, it isn't all about the gifts.  It is about spending time with family and friends and that 'spirit' of Christmas.  These are the memories that I  hope Gideon holds onto.  Another thing that he did, or K did for him, was to ask for donations to Wikipedia.  He uses them to research things often and saw their banner asking for donations.  K has received notifications from 18 different people having donated to them because of his request. 

We unwrap a book for Christmas Eve and sometimes something else.  This year I wrapped up a gift for Gideon that I tried to make look like a rocket ship.  He got so very excited about it and I was worried he would be disappointed when he opened it.  It turned out that he was ecstatic to receive a pair of pajamas that look kind of like a space suit.  K picked it out, she is a good Gideon Mom.

My happy for today is seeing Christmas through the eyes of a seven year old.  For me, I find the holiday rather stressful.  I don't feel that I do a good job of choosing gifts for people.  Gideon has a knack for it though.  My kids and grandson are everything I always wanted to be.  It's pretty cool.

From my walk today.

I didn't notice a Menorah this year at the Capital.
I'm rather disappointed about that.  

Early in the evening, the little tree and fireplace. 


The second fireplace on the TV.
It all looks nicer with the lights off. 

Llama wrapping paper! 

Opening of the Christmas books. 

The rocket. 

So excited!

Dancing with them.

Monday, December 23, 2019

All Okay

Today while out Christmas shopping K and I were in a car accident.  No one was hurt.  K was driving.  I panicked.  Mistakes were made, starting with the driver in the car next to us that fell asleep.  Anyhow, we are fine, the car isn't, but it could have been much worse.   It was a long day that started good, bombed in the middle and ended with a Star Wars movie.

My biggest happy for today is that no one was hurt.  Other happy things include getting some of my Christmas shopping done, getting a present in the mail (novelty socks!) and taking with friends.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Baby Shower!!

Very little was done today in the way of Christmas shopping, but I tried.  I determined that what I'd like to get for K & Z are over my budget so more thinking and looking will have to happen.  I did find a book to give at the baby shower and got things wrapped up for that.  The shower was fun.  I had way too much to eat.  The mother to be looks gorgeous and she and her husband look very happy.  

Well, I guess this is another short post.  Words aren't flowing and the baby shower and all the smiles today are my happy.  Not too many pictures, battery was low.

They are so adorable!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Happy Solstice!

Really short post... Tomorrow we have a baby shower to go to.  Today I helped K make snack food for the shower.  So much food!  She had another friend come over to help as well. The shower is Harry Potter themed so the food includes things like broom sticks and cauldrons. Helping K is my happy for today.

Friday, December 20, 2019


The last day of school before a vacation is always a little hectic.  In an attempt to combat that, part of today was a winter carnival.   Most of the kids seemed to have a good time.  It wasn't for everyone, and that is okay.  Unfortunately, some kids were sick and couldn't enjoy it anyway.

After school, I set out to thank all the folks on Facebook who wished me a happy birthday yesterday.  I'm fairly certain I responded to most people, some with just the like button.  But I try to make sure to read everything that people write and to respond.  If they took the time to write it, the least I can do is thank them for it.  Besides, it brought joy to my heart and is my happy for today. 

I snagged this from one of the classrooms.
It looks like fun.


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Happy Birthday to Me

My work day began with a gift in my mailbox from a coworker.   Llama socks, warm hiking socks and a cute llama card put a big smile on my face and joy in my heart that lasted all day.  Another friend remembered and wished me a happy birthday and that spread to another teacher.  It wasn't until after lunch that it was really spread around and the entire science class sang to me.  This resulted in lots of questions later about why I didn't let anyone know.  After work I had messages on my phone and a call from my friend in Texas.  On the way to the movies with K, I got birthday wishes from C in Texas. 

K, another friend and I went to see A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.  I've been wanting to see it.  It was odd to be at the theater with the new Star Wars movie opening today and not be seeing it instead.  There will be time for that over vacation.  I really enjoyed the movie we saw even though I was wrong about thinking that I had read the book.  It was a different book I read about Mr. Rogers.  I did something different and ordered a frozen sangria to go with the popcorn.  They carded me.  I'm sure they card everyone, but I was a bit surprised.

More messages and peppermint stick ice cream for me, followed the movie.  I still need to check out Facebook.  Today was a happy day.

Waiting for the movie to start.

Pretty lights 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Short Post

A friend was in town performing at a local restaurant tonight.  K, Gideon and I went and had dinner, chatted with him and his wife, and enjoyed listening to some acoustic blues.  Getting to visit with them and hear some tales of their recent trip to Germany is my happy for today.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Snow Day Number Three--babble

After watching the weather last night I didn't expect that school would be canceled.  I thought they might have an early release.  Work is far enough away that I have no idea what the conditions are like there, but I am glad I didn't have to drive home in what was here this afternoon.  I did go out and renewed my driver's license, it expires Thursday.  Pretty sure this will be the worst picture ever, but I am not going to look at it much. 

No work made for a fairly mellow day.  K and I (mostly K) made a turkey dinner.  We talked a bit about the business we want to start and may have come up with a name.  We will most likely get the ball rolling on that during Christmas break. 

There has been a game I have been playing on my phone.  It was a nonogram or picross puzzle sort of game and I finished it today.  I'm feeling kind of lost and unsure what to do.  Then things like 'be productive' or 'clean your room' or 'weave' are popping into my head and realize I have been a bit addicted to that game.  There are so many things I could be doing instead, maybe I will get some of them done now.

Because we are in the city and have no driveway Z and I went and parked all the cars in the garage tonight.  I had hoped that we would all go and walk the city after, but it got too late and Gideon's boots no longer fit him.  The main street is lit up for the holidays and the store windows will be decorated.  I hope to get out after dark for a walk before the decorations are done.  Z and I did get to walk home from the garage, but we went straight home and did not detour through town.  It was still a pretty walk and is my happy for today.