Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

As I get ready to close off the day with how my day went, I am flooded with thoughts about things to come.  Deep breaths and I will focus in on this day. 

This morning we opened stockings and presents.  Some things that I got were llama slippers and a llama Christmas sweater.  There was also fruit, some cool pins about the outdoors, and other things.  Gideon enjoyed the moon slippers to go with his space uniform pajamas.  His most meaningful gift (in my opinion) was the request he made for people to donate money to Wikipedia.  There ended up being a total of 19 people who donated almost $300.  K put the names of everyone who donated onto a paper snowflake we made and Gideon read them off and then we used them to decorate the tree.  That is this morning's happy.

This afternoon I met a friend and we went for a walk along part of a rail trail.  It wasn't very long but it was great to get out there in the fresh air.  That is my happy for the afternoon.

In the evening I met up with K, Z and Gideon at Z's family for dinner.  It was nice to visit.  After dinner we played games, that is my happy for the evening.

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