Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hike today-picture heavy

Last night some people asked if I wanted to go for a hike today and I agreed.  What I thought was going to be a three hour hike turned into five.  It was a lot of fun though and we did take a few breaks and have a picnic at the top.  My other plans for the afternoon ended up being postponed.  We hiked up South Mountain in Pawtuckaway State Park.  I'm glad I had my SnowTrax to help keep my grip on the icy and muddy trails.  There was a Fire Tower on the top so I got my third tower in for the year.  I didn't think I would get to any more until spring.  That leaves 12 fire towers for next year. 

I'm not sure if it was just the nice weather or if there really was a dog meet up today but there were SO MANY DOGS.  It was great.  A couple got into my lap and licked me while I was putting my SnowTrax back on my boots.  There were so many people with dogs we started feeling like we were missing something. 

So I am happy I got to hike and get to know some people better and I am happy that I got another Fire Tower.  I'm also pleased with my pedometer count which is over 20,000 steps for today.

Some Pictures

This was on the ceiling of the fire tower.
Unfortunately I didn't see the directions for how to use it until too late.
Maybe another, less cold day, I will get up there again.

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