Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Snow Day Number Three--babble

After watching the weather last night I didn't expect that school would be canceled.  I thought they might have an early release.  Work is far enough away that I have no idea what the conditions are like there, but I am glad I didn't have to drive home in what was here this afternoon.  I did go out and renewed my driver's license, it expires Thursday.  Pretty sure this will be the worst picture ever, but I am not going to look at it much. 

No work made for a fairly mellow day.  K and I (mostly K) made a turkey dinner.  We talked a bit about the business we want to start and may have come up with a name.  We will most likely get the ball rolling on that during Christmas break. 

There has been a game I have been playing on my phone.  It was a nonogram or picross puzzle sort of game and I finished it today.  I'm feeling kind of lost and unsure what to do.  Then things like 'be productive' or 'clean your room' or 'weave' are popping into my head and realize I have been a bit addicted to that game.  There are so many things I could be doing instead, maybe I will get some of them done now.

Because we are in the city and have no driveway Z and I went and parked all the cars in the garage tonight.  I had hoped that we would all go and walk the city after, but it got too late and Gideon's boots no longer fit him.  The main street is lit up for the holidays and the store windows will be decorated.  I hope to get out after dark for a walk before the decorations are done.  Z and I did get to walk home from the garage, but we went straight home and did not detour through town.  It was still a pretty walk and is my happy for today.

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