Sunday, December 1, 2019

Happy December

There was a post-Thanksgiving/pre-Christmas get together today for my father's side of the family.  It was really great to visit with family that I don't see often.  My 97 year old aunt/godmother was one of the people I got to visit with.  She was recently diagnosed with lung cancer.  Her daughter asked everyone who visited today to put an ornament onto the Christmas tree.  It was a nice way for people to be involved. 

The meteorologists have been predicting a rather large storm starting tonight and going into Tuesday.  School is canceled already for tomorrow.  Below are some pictures of the back yard.  It is supposed to be bad around 3 AM, I think, with white out conditions.  From the view point inside the house, it doesn't look too bad outside yet.

My happy for today is time with family and getting back to the house before the snow started to fall.

This first picture is the backyard before the snow started to fall. (6:01 PM)

Snow has started in this picture.  (8:18 PM)

More snow.   (11:16 PM)
The more the snow, the lighter out it seems.

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