Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Happy Christmas Eve

The stores are all closed and there are more gifts that I wish I could have found.  I wandered some of the local shops today but I guess I was too picky and got very little.  It was a nice walk though.  The sidewalks in town were far less busy than the streets were.  Not driving was a good thing. 

Gideon is so excited for Christmas.  There are cookies out for Santa and he drew and colored a fire place that is hanging in the living room for ambiance.  The stockings nearby.  It may have been because Thanksgiving was late in November or it may just be life, but Christmas came too fast for this family to feel completely prepared.  Thankfully, it isn't all about the gifts.  It is about spending time with family and friends and that 'spirit' of Christmas.  These are the memories that I  hope Gideon holds onto.  Another thing that he did, or K did for him, was to ask for donations to Wikipedia.  He uses them to research things often and saw their banner asking for donations.  K has received notifications from 18 different people having donated to them because of his request. 

We unwrap a book for Christmas Eve and sometimes something else.  This year I wrapped up a gift for Gideon that I tried to make look like a rocket ship.  He got so very excited about it and I was worried he would be disappointed when he opened it.  It turned out that he was ecstatic to receive a pair of pajamas that look kind of like a space suit.  K picked it out, she is a good Gideon Mom.

My happy for today is seeing Christmas through the eyes of a seven year old.  For me, I find the holiday rather stressful.  I don't feel that I do a good job of choosing gifts for people.  Gideon has a knack for it though.  My kids and grandson are everything I always wanted to be.  It's pretty cool.

From my walk today.

I didn't notice a Menorah this year at the Capital.
I'm rather disappointed about that.  

Early in the evening, the little tree and fireplace. 


The second fireplace on the TV.
It all looks nicer with the lights off. 

Llama wrapping paper! 

Opening of the Christmas books. 

The rocket. 

So excited!

Dancing with them.

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