Saturday, May 11, 2019

An Event Day-longish

Gideon hurt himself, not seriously, at an event we traveled to today.  He screamed, way too much.  It sounded fake, but wasn't.  His mom couldn't go and a friend was watching him while I had something to eat.  He tripped and scraped his hand a little less than an inch long.  When I was told I had a much more serious cut in my head.  It was the kind of scrape that is just deep enough to hit every single nerve cell and not bleed much.  So I say it isn't serious, but if we don't watch it and keep it clean, etc., it could become serious. 

At this event, which was in a neighboring Barony, Gideon volunteered to be an ambassador and help introduce new people to the SCA.  He and I toured the site before his shift so he would know where everything was and he practiced a bunch of things he wanted to share with people and studied up on some of the awards and things people can earn.   From what I have been told he did really well.

Gideon has some tokens that he hands out to people as a thank you.  He did a great job of handing them out today.  During court the children are called in for the Running of the Toy Box.  They are greeted by Their Majesties and an adult is chosen to take the toy box and run until the kids catch them and the kids all get to choose a toy.  When Gideon went up with all the kids he gave a token to the Baron and Baroness and the Queen (the King was visited a different region).  After court the Queen came and gifted Gideon with one of her favors.  So cool.

The local Baroness came by to say hello to me at one point and I realized that I should make a point of doing the same when we have events and other Barons and Baronesses visit.  I might also want to look for them when I visit other Baronies and say hello, so they don't have to look for me.  This is one of the things that I just hadn't really thought through.  Part of the learning curve, and for this introvert, it will be one of the harder parts of this position of being a Baroness. 

Unfortunately, the parking lot tried to eat the car and I had to patch it up with duct tape.  I think it will survive thankfully.  After the event we went out for dinner with some of the friends from the event and K and Z were able to join us.  All and all it was a very good day and dinner with friends was the icing on the cake.  My happy for the day is watching Gideon give the tokens to the Queen and other Baronages.  He is so very thoughtful.

One of his tokens. 

Not the clearest shot, but this is  Gideon giving the Queen his token.

And Her favor to him.

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