Thursday, May 30, 2019

Long ramble

This was a short work week because of Memorial Day but for some reason today felt like Friday and now I want to stay up late instead of be responsible.  😉  Tomorrow will be busy at work though so sleep I must get. 

Things are moving ahead with planning for trips this summer.  There is talk of food planning and getting tents and I am going to work on getting my shoes made.  I'm also preparing myself for the worst at work because contracts for the next school year are not out yet.  Mentally I am preparing myself for looking for another job, even though I don't want another job.

After work today I decided to go home instead of fighting practice.  K and I had some planning to do.  Then I went for a walk and got my steps in.  I left knowing that I was going to the store to pick K up something small.  On the way I realized that I could get a few things myself, but I was walking.  My note to self about this is that I should probably bring my backpack if I am going to a store at all so I can get more than one thing if I want.  I did get a six pack of breakfast drinks and carried that home with K's small item.  About half way home I started swinging the bag and using it to work my arm muscles.  I have weights for walking around here somewhere that I should bring on my walks.

Happy things for today include:

  • The amount of sleep I got last night was adequate, I was not half asleep all day, yay!
  • There were some new buds on a bush I walked by today that might have been roses.
  • There is a flowering plant part of our tiny yard.  It comes up every year but I can't think of the name of it.
  • When I went for the walk this afternoon the sun was out and it wasn't too hot or too cold.
  • Listening to the rain fall outside, hoping it will lull me to sleep soon.

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