Saturday, May 4, 2019

Crown-lots of pics

Over dinner this evening I apologized to Her Majesty for not doing more than be a spectator at the Crown Tournament event today.  She was, of course, gracious and said that I do plenty already.   I was a little confused until I realized she meant by being Baroness.  She asked how many hours I do things when I am not at an event and I said that I don't count that.  This comment of mine was not well received.  I thought a few  minutes, came up with something I had done recently and felt mildly better.  Shortly after that I pulled my phone out, thinking of taking a picture and there were some private messages, Barony business.  I sat there reading and replying for a few minutes and then said, okay, maybe I do more stuff than I think I do.  There followed some chuckles. 

It was a nice day of sitting and chatting and stitching for me.  I was near the fighting but only paid small amounts of attention to it until towards the end when there were only a few fighters left and then got to see our new Prince and Princess crowned. 

Listening to birds this morning when I awoke and falling asleep with the sounds of frogs and crickets after a long day with friends and activities are my happy things for today.

May the Fourth be with you.

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