Monday, May 20, 2019


The alarm app on my phone offers me a horoscope every day.  It is seldom that I read it but today, I did.  To sum up, today was to be a good teamwork day.  This came to mind shortly after getting to work- helping the science teacher with things, and her mentioning that it went better as a team.  Teamwork is now a topic on my mind.  It is something that I think I struggled with as a child, but I think I have mostly figured it out now... I hope. 

There are eleven days left to the month.  Through part of my health plan I joined a challenge to walk 100 miles in the month of May.  I got off to a very slow start.  Today was the seventh day in a row for me to have reached my step goal of 10,000 steps a day.  After doing a little bit of math I need only to walk about 3.3 miles each day to hit that 100 mile mark in time.  I've got this. 

The leaves are finally unfolding themselves to say hello to the warmer weather.  Places that were bare over the winter are starting to be clothed with plant life.  It is a beautiful process.

Happy things for today:

  • Being part of a team
  • Having the confidence that I will walk 100 miles this month
  • Season's change
  • Goals
  • Lists
  • Smiley faces 😉

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