Friday, May 17, 2019


After work today there was a friend I had planned to meet for a walk.  They canceled because of the rain this morning, they were right.  Having not been there before, I decided to check out the area anyway.  I put on my old sneakers and headed through the fields.  Soon there was water seeping into my shoes and soaking my socks.  The area was nice with rolling fields and trees, birds chirping and bees pollinating.  There were no real marked trails though and the maintenance roads are seldom traveled.  I'm not sure if I will go back there or not.

Through my health plan I signed up to walk 100 miles in the month of May.  I have a long way to go.  I did walk to craft night tonight though which brought my step count over 10.000 for the fourth day in a row.  Hopefully I will be able to keep this going over the weekend.  There are some people who used to live nearby visiting the Barony for a short time and they came to craft night.  It was great to see them and the folks who came to see them that don't regularly make it to craft night.

Walking tends to help make me happy.  Today my happy things are the wildlife and natural beauty I saw while I walked.

The state capitol as seen through the fragrant lilac bush. 

Setting sun beam!

 The moon was close to full as it peaked through the clouds.

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