Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Another list

So many times the little things are what can help a day be happy.  They can also bring a day down.  One of the purposes of this blog is to find something happy about my day; to think about good things before sleep and try to end the day on a positive note.  To that end I am making a list, again, of some of the little things that made me happy today:

  • Helping students get the design of their CO2 just right.
  • Planting for science.
  • Watching students get excited about a topic they are researching.
  • Hearing from my son and the hopes that he may be able to come visit soon.
  • Spending time with a friend.
  • A Doughnut and a cookie today for Teacher Appreciation week.
  • The generosity of my daughter letting me use her car, indefinitely.
  • Watching this show (Off the Cuf trailer), with a friend and seeing people on there I know, some of them well.
  • Being greeted by Heather, the cat.  She wants so much to walk all over the keyboard...
  • Brushing my teeth.

Heather says hi.  😺

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