Sunday, May 19, 2019


This morning began with a meeting to update the Baronial Laws and Policies.  My original thoughts of just bringing them into the 21st Century was not ambitious enough.  We got through what I think was the hardest part today and the only new section that I am sure will be added.  We scheduled two more meetings in June.  Hopefully that will be enough and by fall this will be done. 

K and I were both a little fried after the meeting and played Minecraft for part of the afternoon.  When I pulled myself away from the game to take a walk it was close to 7 PM and I expected it to be a little chilly out.  When I walked to the meeting this morning it was sprinkling.  Walking through the city this evening though, it was 77 degrees.  It turned out that playing inside and walking later in the day was probably a good thing as it was probably even warmer in the afternoon. 

My friend from Texas got on and played Minecraft with us and she and I talked on the phone while playing and then she went with me via the phone on my walk.  It was nice to have the company.  I walked a little over three miles and made my step count again today.  That makes 6 days in a row! 

Happy things for today include all of the things above and lilacs.  I love the smell of the lilacs blooming along the way as I walk this time of year.

I couldn't quite get all of me me, 
the state capitol, and lilacs in the picture.


Lilacs in white, light purple and Dark purple. 

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