Saturday, May 18, 2019

Largesse-picture heavy

Some talented SCA friends got together today to help make largess to donate at an upcoming event.  I think we all had a pretty good time and I know that a bunch got done.  I am so grateful for the people who brought their talents to the cause and especially to the people who organized it so we could have this productive day.  Today I learned that there is this thing called an archer's tassel.  It is a wool tassel that is used to clean off arrows that have landed in the dirt.  What a great idea!  I also got to try out Viking whipcord making; that was fun.  

While walking home I decided to take a side trip up the new stairs in a local parking garage.  The stairs have been under construction for quite some time so I have been avoiding the garage.  The new stairs are completely enclosed and so are hot and stuffy.  I'm not sure why they can't be open air.  The top floor of the garage can be a neat place to get pictures from.  Walking stairs is also good exercise.  At the other side of the garage, the stairs have been removed.  There was something about the stairs that used to be there that I liked.  Something in the design that brought some kind of nostalgic feeling.  I wonder if I was there as a kid?  Any how, I miss those stairs and I hope the replacement has some style.

Happy things for today include:
  • Being with friends (and spending time with some that I haven't seen in a while)
  • making tassels
  • helping with the Viking whipcord
  • untangling yarn (yes, often I enjoy this task)
  • fresh air--SPRING air
  • fifth day in a row over 10,000 steps.
  • hearing people say, "wait, you have a blog?"
  • learning about myself

Making the Viking Whipcord.


Getting silly out for dinner. 

Tried to get some moon photos. 

The State Capitol.

New stairs at a parking garage.

From the top of the parking garage. 

The other side of the garage will also get new stairs. 

Blossoms at night smelling pretty.

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