Thursday, May 16, 2019

Ice Cream

For science today we got to go outside to a place where there is a nature learning area.  Because of this I had over 8000 steps after work today.  That doesn't happen at work too often.  Along the trail there was some scat with the remains of a squirrel.  I took some pictures and will post those at the end...after the picture of the pond.

Instead of going to fighter practice I went home after work.  I realized that K and I haven't planned out the next few weeks and all the things that are coming up.  I thought I might still go back out and get to practice but we went to the grocery store.  Gideon didn't find what he wanted for salad dressing.  He had tried a dressing at school and liked it, but we couldn't find that flavor in the store, so we went to another.  We have a friend who works at store number two and we visited a few minutes after settling on some other salad dressings.  Grocery shopping got me up to almost 11,000 steps.  On the drive home we ran into traffic.  There was some kind of road race and the police officer stopped traffic to let them by.  Eventually cars in front of us started turning and doing u-turns to find a different way.  My thoughts were on the ice cream we had purchased at the first store, melting while we sat in traffic less than a mile from the house.  I got the ice cream out and walked it home.  I still arrived at the house at least five minutes before K and Gideon did with the rest of the groceries.

My happy things for today are getting out to the nature area at school and because of all the walking I have over 12,000 steps on my Fit-bit and that makes three days in a row reaching my step goal. 😊

Before getting out to walk the rest of the way home I got this shot of someone's flowers.

The pond by the school. 

Former Squirrel 

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