Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Content Warning--Spiders first paragraph only

It may have been a dream.  It may have been my hair.  Whatever it was. it felt like a spider, skittering across my face to wake me up this morning.  I can find no evidence of the spider.  I spent two weeks camping in a canvas tent with no zippers to keep out pests. I saw plenty of spiders and other insects in that tent, but they seemed to stay away from me while I slept.   I come home and now I have the dream? reality? hallucination? of a spider crawling over me.  This creepy start to my day did not get me out of bed.  I still checked my email, Duo Lingo, and checked in on some games before trying to become active.  I'm calling this my last day of Post Pennsic reentry crud.

K and I did maneuver through the East Kingdom Award Recommendation page and were able to write in three people for awards.  One of them took four tries before the system would let it through.  I also updated my wiki page to being a Baroness.  K had done the majority of my page previously so I am kind of proud of myself for getting it updated.  The picture still should be updated, but I need to find one that I like first.  Someone took a really nice picture of the two of us while at Pennsic that I will need to get permission to use once I find it again.  We also had a surprise visit from a former Baron of Stonemarche.

That paragraph directly above pretty much covers my happy things for today.   That first paragraph was not a happy. 

Since I didn't get Pennsic pictures posted the last few days of War I am going to try to pick a few to post over the next couple of days.

On the 6th of August there was a Kingdom Court.  It rained and things got delayed.  We were prepared with umbrellas and stuck it out, waiting for the rain to stop.

A few other folks were prepared...

Many others were not and took refuge in a nearby pavilion.

The rainbow that followed the rain storm. 

I would like to add a little note about when one sitting outside in a rain storm that comes along quickly and that will probably end quickly--when leaving the chair for shelter, turn the chair upside down to help avoid a wet bottom when returning.  😁

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