Thursday, August 22, 2019

Happy Thursday!

This morning I got ready for my chiropractor appointment early and did a much more detailed search for the scissors and magnetic ruler I lost yesterday.  Eventually both were retrieved from under the furniture but it wasn't easy.  The furniture goes almost to the floor so no pets larger than a mouse will fit under.  This is great for not losing cat toys, shoes or puppies but not that great when things slip between the cracks.  I'm happy that they are found.

Other than the chiropractor and some errands most of my day was spent weaving.  I am between 2/3 and 3/4 finished with the first of three bands I am doing as Baroness Champions Awards.  I've decided that when I weave I need to have some paper and something to write with nearby.  It is possible that weaving is getting some creative juices going again.  I wanted to write a poem.  A while back I used to come up with a little rhyme a couple times a week.  Lately, not at all.  And when I say lately I think it has been about two years or so.  Having the urge for writing a poem, even if I am not good at it, is something I want to encourage for myself.  I think poetry is something I could add to my self-care, and this makes me happy.

My step count for today is a around 7500 steps.  My ideal is over 10000 a day, but through an insurance thing I have I only need 8000 steps a day as the incentive to get healthy.  I was all set to go outside and walk and when I stepped out there was a rustling in the brush.  Eventually a skunk wandered out.   This is an "I m so happy that I didn't get sprayed" happy for today. 


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