Thursday, August 15, 2019


After much discussion, deciding of what to do, and a bit of frustration a loom has been warped and I plan to start weaving tomorrow.  It has been a while since I have done much weaving and even longer since I wove in silk.  I did practice a little today on another loom, tomorrow the pressure will be on to weave and weave well.  Today my happy is that I got the loom warped.  Yay!

The artist hard at work on a design.

All's going to be pretty.

Pennsic August 8th highlights:

The day Gideon won Most Chivalrous Fighter in his division.


Every year a viking ship is built and people place shields upon it to commemorate someone who passed away in the last year.  The ship is later burned on the private pond. 

The campfire that night. 

When it was blown upon just right it looked like an upturned mustache. 


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