Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Twelfth Day-Rain

What a great day!  There is a competition for the youth fighters where they need to be sponsored by a Barony in order to participate.  There are three divisions and K was able to sponsor Gideon and two other kids from places outside of the East Kingdom.  It was inspiring to watch the youth combat as they showed how strong and chivalrous they could be.  The youngest kids were just learning which shots to take and which ones weren't and having so much fun doing it.  The smiles on their faces was delightful to see.

We had Kingdom court to attend in the late afternoon.  Things ran a little late and then just as Their Majesties were about to start court, the rain started coming down in buckets.  We were some of the only people there that had umbrellas and stayed out in the rain.  After the rain went by, court started.  They tried to move the pieces of business along quickly, but that seldom works.  During the last piece of business it started to rain again.  By this time K had started getting cold so she cut out of there fast after and I stayed and helped pack all our things up with the retainers.  Since then there have been showers off and on.  It is supposed to be like that for tomorrow too. 

My happy things for today are:

  • Watching the youth combat.
  • Being under an umbrella in the rain.
  • Rainbows.
  • Staying up talking with friends while it rained.
  • Good friend brewed wine.  This one isn't necessarily a happy thing (?) but words are failing me.
For some reasons the pictures don't want to download so more will have to wait until later.

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