Friday, August 16, 2019


This morning I didn't get up and go as quickly as I had hoped I would.  I got a few things checked off my list and one of them was that I started weaving what I warped yesterday.  The ways of the warp and weft are coming back to me.  I also walked to craft night tonight and did some embroidery.  What I need to weave still requires too much brain power for me to do it around people and be sociable, and that is okay.  Apparently, it is also too much brain power for me to do late at night... tomorrow I may decide to undo the last inch I have done... or I may be able to make it work anyway.

On the way back from craft night the moon was rising, orange in the sky.  I extended my walk to try and get a good picture of it for you, reader.  Sometimes my phone impresses me with what it does, tonight that was not the case.  The moon was beautiful as it hung in the sky with the man smiling down on the city.

Chasing the moon, weaving and embroidery are my happy things for today.


Bird on the pole. 

Moon shots. 

Pennsic August 9th.

The penultimate day at Pennsic.  Packing was underway and I took the morning and early afternoon to finish off the Camino de Pennsic quest that I had hoped to do early in the War. 

This is the Runestone that was carved in Pennsic 10.

People leave offerings on it.

This is our encampment emptying out. 

We still had a fire that night.  🔥 

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