Monday, August 19, 2019

Just a few happy things for today

K and I have been meaning to start on a journey of self discovery together using Open Master's.  The kit was delivered to her months and months ago and it has been difficult to make the time together to start.  Today we sat down together and did the first step.  It was 90 minutes of soul searching.  In the end, neither of us had that aha! moment we were hoping for.  Of course, this is only the beginning, more needs to be done and we each will have our own path to follow.  Although I felt emotionally drained after this first exercise, I am happy that my daughter and I are working on this together and can help guide each other.  We even gave each other homework.

Summer is almost over and this afternoon I was able to get together with a coworker and go for a walk.  She had me choose the spot and I didn't do a very good job picking it.  There is a trail I have wanted to try and we did.  It just wasn't as long or as nice as I had hoped.  It was a nice little jaunt though to places that we hadn't been before.  It was good to catch up with her and we made plans to walk after work next week.  Wow, I go back to work next week!  Walking with my work friend is another happy thing for today.

Tonight I went out to dinner with Z and Gideon.  K went out to a sewing night.  There was live music and we talked about the differences between Pokemon the card game and Pokemon Go, the phone app.  Gideon decided that he likes the card game and the strategies and layers that it contains more then the phone app.  At least that is my take on the conversation.  While we had dinner I also had a chat with a friend who is hoping to make some special tokens for me.  I'm loving the design.  Dinner out and all these things are also happy things from my day.

Somehow with all these happy things I didn't manage to get any pictures.  On my walk home from dinner when I tried my camera failed.  Not sure what that is about. 

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