Sunday, August 18, 2019

My bed.

Last night I stayed up late and played Minecraft with my friend in Texas.  It was fun but I didn't get to sleep until around one in the morning.  Somehow, this morning I was able to sleep until ten.  This was unusual for me.  I expected to be awake by seven.  Eight if I was really lucky.  Not that I didn't wake up at random times, but I fell back to sleep each time.  It has been a long time since I have been able to sleep the amount of time recommended.  Not that I haven't tried, my alarm has been off most of the summer.  I wish I knew what was different though. 

Today, I cleaned my room some and did laundry.  One of the goals was to get my bed cleaned off.  I have been considering that part of my sleeping problem is that I always have miscellaneous stuff on the part of the bed I don't sleep on.  My room isn't very large and one of the problems with downsizing is that there is still all this stuff to get rid of.  All the stuff that needs to be sorted and a decision needs to be made as to what to do with.  During that time the stuff one has is used and moved around and there is more stuff that comes in-like mail.  Any how, the bed is cleaned off.  Whether it helps me sleep tonight or not, I don't know.  I do know that a cleared off bed with clean sheets and a good night sleep are my happy things for today.  I am choosing to not set my alarm for morning just to see if I can sleep in some.  I was going to start getting into a work morning routine, but that can wait a day or two. 

The bed, with room to stretch my legs.
The beautiful quilt was made by my sister-in-law.

Of course, right after taking that picture my little table and laptop went onto the bed so I could write.  😜

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